Die Kraft des Morphens/The morphing power


Marco: "Wow. So that's what a ufo looks like inside.“

Jake: "I have the box. Let's get out.“

Marco: "Wait. What's that strange picture on top of the controls?“

Jake: "Looks like a three-dimensional photo of the alien's family.“

Marco: "The deerhumans on it are his parents and siblings?“

Jake: "Seems like it. And now he lies here, millions of miles away from his family, injured, because he wanted to protect the humans and earth. How sad.“

You hear them leaving the ship.

Jake: "Here is the box.“

Elfangor: <Thank you. With it I can give you a special power, which could prove helpful in ihe fight against the Controllers.>

Jake: "A weapon?“

Elfangor: <Not exactly. It's an Andalite technology, which helps us to move unnoticed in many parts of the universe. The power to morph.>

Tobias: "Morph? What's that?“

Elfangor: <It changes the body. With this you can turn into any animal you want. You just have to touch the animal and you can become it.>

Marco: "That's a weird joke, isn't it?“

Rachel: "What are those two red lights at the sky?“

Cassie: "They are turning around and coming closer.“

Elfangor: <Those are Yeerks. There is no time left. Decide!>

Tobias: "We have to do it. Otherwise we don't have a chance against these Controllers."

Jake: "Yes. We don't have a choice.“

Elfangor: <Then everybody presses a hand against one side of the box.>

Rachel: "Oh, it tickles.“

Marco: "The thing is starting to shine.“

Cassie: "I'm getting warm.“

Jake: "It's over. That seems to be it.“

Elfangor: <Go now. But remember: Never stay longer than two hours in an animal form. Never! Otherwise you can't change back to human. Now go. Visser Three is coming.>

Jake: "Who or what is a Visser Three?“

Elfangor: <He is the most dangerous enemy. He is the only Yeerk who possesses the morphing power. The same power as you have now. Run for your life!>

Jake: "He's right. Run! Duck behind that wall!“

A big credit and thanks to Eva Uihlein for providing all the translations!
Audio book hosted by Hirac Delest.

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