Tobias und Jake morphen / Tobias and Jake morph


Early in the morning I was waken up very rough.

Tobias: "Jake! Are you awake?“

Jake: "Are you insane, Tobias? There is no school on Saturdays.“

Tobias: "Imagine, I did it! I morphed a male cat! Just as the Prince told us.“

Jake: "Huh?“

Tobias: "It was fabulous! And it didn't hurt at all.“

Jake: "Tobias, is it possible that you dreamed all that?“

Tobias: "No. Every single word is true. I touched my cat, concentrated on the change – and in the next moment in ran around my room as a cat.“

Jake: "Then was this stuff about the slimy slugs who nest in the heads of humans and enslave not just an nightmare.“

Tobias: "Just as the Prince wasn't. Wait! I'll prove it to you.“

Jake: "What are you doing?“

Tobias: "I going to change to a cat. Pay attention!“

Jake: "Either I'm still dreaming, or you really became a grey-black cat, Tobias.“

Tobias: <You're not dreaming.>

Jake: "Are you the voice in my head?“

Tobias: <Yes. Can you understand me, Jake?>

Jake: "Yes. In my head. Just like the Prince.“

Tobias: <I didn't know I can send thoughts like this.>

Jake: "Guess it only works while you are morphed, Tobias.“

Tobias: <Right.>

Jake: "And is the change back to human just as easy?“

Tobias: <Yes. Pay attention!>

Jake: "Well, this is really... But I won't do it, no matter what.“

Tobias: "Jake, the Prince didn't give us these powers without a reason. And we need you especially.“

Jake: "Why me?“

Tobias: "I can't come up with plans or tell people what to do. I'm no leader. But after all I've seen of you, you're one.“

Jake: "Nonsense. I'm not a leader either.“

Tobias: "Yes, Jake. You are our leader. You can hold us together and help to defeat the Controllers. And you'll do it.“

Jake: "You think so?“

Tobias: "Yes, Jake. If anyone can do it, then it's you.“

Jake: "Alright. Then I'll try it with Homer. Homer! Homer! Come here! Heel!“

Tobias: "Super. You just have to stroke him and concentrate on becoming a dog.“

Jake: "Hey, What's up with him? As I touched him, he started to look as if he was dreaming with open eyes.“

Tobias: "Just like Micky*. I think the animals fall in trance.“

Jake: "Or he's just afraid, because he thinks that his owner became a total idiot. OK, what now?“

Tobias: "Now we better bring Homer outside. He could panic, when he sees how you change. Alright. Homer is in the court.“

Jake: "Look at my hand, Tobias! It's covered with yellow-brown fur!“

Tobias: "Go on! It's cool. Yes, you're a dog.“

Jake: <There – an intruder in the court! I won't let some totally unknown dog walk across my court just like that.>

Tobias: "Jake, calm down. You smell Homer out there. Jake, concentrate. Change back. Come on, Jake, demorph!“

Jake: "Hey, that was crazy! The smells – unbelievable! The world is suddenly so different! I'd love to tell Tom about it!“

Tobias: "Your brother? I don't know.“

Jake: "Tom is OK. He isn't like others who badger their little brothers. Until last year we spent a lot of time together. But since Tom joined this Sharing, he's out a lot. It's just...“

Tobias: "It's just what?“

Jake: "Well, I just have a feeling, which tells me I can't tell anyone about this. Maybe not even Tom.“

Tobias: "I'd also think that's better. Well, I have to go home. Do we meet this afternoon?“

Jake: "Yes. At Cassie's farm.“

*Note: In the German books some of the names were changed without an obvious reason. For example Tobias' cat Dude is named Micky or Rachel's sister Jordan is called Kate.

A big credit and thanks to Eva Uihlein for providing all the translations!
Audio book hosted by Hirac Delest.

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