Part 16 / End Credits

I was dog-tired. At home I fell into my bed like a stone and fell asleep right away. But suddenly a sound at the window woke me.

Jake: "Huh? Tobias! What are you doing out there? Wait, I'll open the window for you.“

Tobias: <Hi, Jake.>

Jake: "Tobias, where have you been? We have been worrying.“

Tobias: <I had to hide some time in the cave, before I could escape. How are the others?>

Jake: "We are alive. I think that's all that counts.“

Tobias: <Yes. That's all that counts.>

Jake: "Come on, Tobias. Demorph and then go on home.“

Tobias: <OK.>

Jake: "Now come on! Back to the human world you weirdo. You won't fly anymore today.“

Tobias: <Yes yes. I'm trying. It doesn't work! What time is it?>

Jake: "Oh no! My alarm clock says it's already past midnight!“

Tobias: <Oh – oh.>

Jake: "You have been a hawk for more than two hours. That means -“

Tobias: <That I'll stay a hawk from now on. It's alright. Like you said: What counts is that we are alive. And that we found the Yeerk pool.>

Jake: "Look at all those sparkling stars. Somewhere up there is the Andalite homeworld. Somewhere up there is hope.“

Tobias: <They'll come. The Andalites will come and help us. Surely they'll find a way to demorph me to human. And until then...>

Jake: "Yes, until then we will fight and teach Visser Three a lesson. Just like today.“

A big credit and thanks to Eva Uihlein for providing all the translations!
Audio book hosted by Hirac Delest.

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