Hirac Delest is hosting its very first Animorphs Music Video Contest! The contest applies to any Animorph fan who wishes to celebrate Animorphs by making a music video for the series, and wants to share it with the community. There are no cash prizes or special awards, this is just for fun. Winners will be chosen by judges after the deadline (October 31st), and will be posted on the Hirac Delest soon after. All runner-ups and contestants will have their videos posted as well.

If you have something to share, the information for the contest is right below. Most importantly, have fun. We look forward to seeing what you bring to the table.







Each video entry must belong strictly to ONE category, and it cannot be mixed with other categories.


You can enter up to 4 videos. If you're entering more than one video, then it must NOT be in the same category as your previous one. You can only submit one video per category. You must also specify that you are sending more than one video when submitting them. Any additional videos will be ignored.


Non-Animorph clips will not be allowed unless the video falls under the Non-Cannon category.


All Non-Cannon videos must contain an additional summary explaining what is going on in the description box.


All video entries must be uploaded to Youtube, with the category, song name, and artist stated in the description.

Plagiarism from someone else's work will not be tolerated. By this, we mean that you cannot take someone else's original work and use it as your own, such as artwork, or clips from someone else's videos. Certain edits and cuts taken specifically from someone else's music video will be immediately disqualified. We recommend all of our contestants to watermarks their videos to avoid this.




This is open past just romance couples, but to relationships between families, enemies, and friends. (example: Tobias & Rachel; Tom & Jake; Visser One & Visser Three, etc)

Videos that are about all of the members of Animorphs.

Videos that are centered around just one specific character.

These are for videos that are used for Fan-Fiction or perhaps pairings with characters on another show or book series. Anything that doesn't necessarily happen in the regular Animorphs series.




Morfowt, Blue22, and Xtrunkx are the current judges. When your videos are submitted, they will be rated on the following areas:

Is everything synchronized well with the music, or did you simply just paste a copy of the entire episode with a song over it? This will be very important with judging the rest of your video.

There are no restrictions with what choices of songs you pick as long as it works with what you're trying to say in your video. Does the song work with what is being shown in the video?

Was there something new that you brought along with your music video? Is there something in there that separates it from every other video that has been also submitted? Did you stay with one style (e.g. black & white, super speed, etc), or jump all over the place? Using more than one style isn't discouraged to use in your videos, but it's more important on how everything worked in the final product.



There are two ways you can submit your video: by email or by the form below. If you are submitting directly by email, then here are the things you must include in order to qualify:

The subject title must be titled: "Animorphs Contest Entry"
You must specify the following things:
Your music video entry title(s). You can only submit a maximum of 4 videos.
The category you are competing for (you can pick only one for each video!)
Your Youtube account name, and most importantly, the link to your video(s) on there.
You also have attach a 30 second video clip of your music video in your email, which must be in avi or wmv format. This is the clip that will be used if you win the contest or if you make it as one of the finalists, so it is important that you submit this with your videos in order to be selected. If you are submitting 2 videos, then please send in separate clips for each video.







Video Name:
You tube Link:
30 Sec Clip:
  Please upload your 30 second clip onto web host and provide the link for it here. You can use various free services such as: Megaupload or Yousendit.




Video Name:
You tube Link:
30 Sec Clip:
  Please upload your 30 second clip onto web host and provide the link for it here. You can use various free services such as: Megaupload or Yousendit.

Disclaimer: Animorphs is the owned property of Scholastic and Katherine Applegate. This is a non-profit fan web project, and Hirac Delest is in no way claiming this franchise or its characters as its own. All product image and video content belongs to their respective owners and properties, unless or otherwise stated. If you use any of the original text or exclusive/archived content from this site, then please ask our permission first, and give this site full credit and a link back. If the info was received or provided from another site, then please be kind and give a link and credit back to them as well.

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