Visser Drei / Visser Three


Jake: "The Yeerks are landing next to the Andalite's ufo! Be quiet! The airlock is opening. Strange. The Andalite described the Yeerks totally different. These have heads like snakes with beaks like birds and legs like dinosaurs.“

Elfangor: <These aren't Yeerks. They are Hork-Bajir, who are enslaved by the Yeerks. The Yeerks are in their heads and control them. The Hork-Bajir are actually peaceful creatures. But with the Yeerks in their heads they are very dangerous. They are to be pitied..>

Jake: "Did you just hear the Andalite's voice in your head, too?“

Marco: "Yes“

Rachel: "There. Different creatures are coming out of the second spaceship. They resemble four meter long centipedes with huge lobster pincers instead of hands.“

Elfangor: <These are Taxxon-Controllers. They are evil.>

Marco: "The Andalite didn't need to tell us this that. The way these guys look.“

Jake: "There! This has to be Visser Three.“

Rachel: "But – he looks like an Andalite.“

Tobias: "Yes. He looks so much like the wounded Andalite, you can barely tell them apart.“

Jake: "Be quiet! Visser Three also talks through telepathy! I hear his voice in my head.“

Visser 3: <Who is lying here? Oh – Prince Elfangor- Sirinial – Shamtul. I am honored. You are a legend. How many of our battleships did you destroy during the battle? Seven? Eight? However you are the last Andalite in this sector of space.>

Elfangor: <Others will follow.>

Visser 3: <Yes, but when they arrive, it will be too late and this world will be mine. It will be the Yeerk's greatest conquest and make me Visser one.>

Elfangor: <Don't you have enough slaves already? Why the humans?>

Visser 3: <They are so weak and numerous. With so many hosts we can extend through the whole universe. To you Prince Elfangor, we can now say goodbye. I have been waiting for this so long..>

Tobias: "What does Visser Three want to do with the Prince, Jake“

Jake: "He aims an ray gun at him, Tobias! He wants to shoot him!“

Cassie: "No!“

Rachel: "Oh my god! Visser Three made the Prince vanish!“

You can hear laughter.

Marco: "Those guys have weird humor.“

Cassie: "This laughter gives me goosebumps.“

Jake: "I've heard this laughter before. But where?“

Tobias: "Be quiet. I want to hear what Visser Three says.“

Visser 3: <Make the Andalite's ship disappear“>

Jake: "Unbelievable! They dissolved the Andalite's ship with a ray canon.“

Cassie: "What's happening with Visser Three?“

Rachel: "He changes his shape!“

Cassie: "Yes. He morphs.“

Jake: "His head becomes larger. The body becomes thicker. And the arms become tentacles.“

Marco: "Just look at this grotesque face with the armlong teeth! It's disgustung.“

Jake: "Attention! One of the Hork-Bajir spotted us! Run for your lives! Split up! They can't follow all of us!“

We barely got out. I ran off the construction site, as if the devil was chasing me. At home I called me friends. All of them came out with nothing but the shock. After that I fell into the bed and slept immediately.

A big credit and thanks to Eva Uihlein for providing all the translations!
Audio book hosted by Hirac Delest.

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