Begegnung mit der Polizei / Encounter with the police

Cassie didn't live at a normal farm. Her father had an animal clinic there and took care of injured animals. Every kind, from squirrels to wolves. As I arrived at the farm by bike, Rachel and Marco were sunbathing in front of the barn.

Jake: "Hello, guys. Isn't Cassie here yet?“

Rachel: "No. She probably has to help her father.“

Jake: "Hey, whose horse is this? I'm sorry, I don't have any sugar for you.“

Rachel: "Have you already read today's newspaper?“

Jake: "No, why?“

Rachel: "Read for yourself. Here, catch!“

Jake: "According to the police there was an incidence at the constuction site yesterday evening. Some people called and claimed, that flying saucers had landed, followed by bright lights. Cool – so the police knows about it now! I'm relieved.“

Rachel: "Read on!“

Jake: "When the police arrived they discovered some kids who played with fireworks. The kids escaped. According to the police spokesperson there were definitely no flying saucers, only a bunch of kids who played at a forbidden place. The police offered a reward for clues, which would help to arrest the kids.“

Marco: "They're searching for us.“

Jake: "Why does the police lie, Marco?“

Marco: "Let's look, Captain smart alec. Is it possible, that the policemen are Controllers?“

Rachel: "If the Controllers undercut the police, who knows who are Controllers as well? Teachers? People in the government?“

Marco: "Or the newspaper? TV?“

Jake: "Tell me, can you explain, why this horse is so crazy about me? Now it's even rubbing its head on my arm.“

Rachel: "Ask, Cassie.“

Jake: "I'd love to. Wanna know where she is.“

Cassie: <I'm already here.>

Marco: "I already thought something like that, Cassie.“

Jake: "How? What? Cassie, have you morphed a horse?“

Rachel: "I don't believe it. Cassie runs around here all the time and we don't notice.

Cassie: <OK, I'll demorph.>

Jake: "Attention! There is a police car. Cassie morph faster! We don't want to explain a cross between horse and human!“

Cassie: "Puh, did it just in time.“

Policeman: "Hello. We're looking for some kids who lighted fireworks on the constuction site opposite the mall last night.“

Jake: "Tobias, he's one of them! The policeman is a Controller!“

Tobias: "Are you sure, Jake?“

Policeman: "Hey, you two! What are you whispering about?“

Jake: "We are sorry, officer. We don't know anything about it.“

Policeman: "Somehow you have a familar ring to me. You look like a young boy I know. His name is Tom.“

Jake: "That's my brother.“

Policeman: "So Tom is your brother? He's a good boy. I know him through the Sharing. I'm one of the attendents there. A great group, this Sharing. You should come to a meeting.“

Jake: "Yes. I'll think it over.“

Policeman: "Alright, call me, when you get to know something about the kids on the constuction site.“

You hear a car door close.

Rachel: "OK, rule number 1: We don't do anything suspicious. We don't talk about this at all. Especially about the morphing. And we don't do it in public.“

Cassie: "Yes, that was stupid, Rachel. But it's so great to run under the open sky, farther and farther!“

Rachel: "We have to find some big boss, who we can tell all of this. Someone we can trust.“

Tobias: "We can't trust anyone, Rachel. Everyone could be a Controller.“

Rachel: "So what do we do? I suggest, we vote.“

Marco: "I say, we try to stay alive until we are old enough to get our driving licenses.“

Tobias: "I think we should do what the Prince told us – fight!“

Marco: "As if you were so experienced in fighting. You can't even cope with the bullies at school. And now you want to kick this insane Visser Three's butt?“

Rachel: "I wish we could pass this on to someone else, but that's impossible.“

Cassie: "I think this is so big, we can't decide it just like that. Let's think it over for a while, OK?“

Jake: "Good idea, Cassie. Until then, we just keep living our normal lives.“

A big credit and thanks to Eva Uihlein for providing all the translations!
Audio book hosted by Hirac Delest.

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