These were released as part of the marketing license by Scholastic
Taco Bell
Released: 1999
Several Toys were given out as a tie-in promotion with Taco Bell. Here is the list:
Action Figures
Cassie to Anteater

Jake to Shark

Marco to Lizard

Rachel to Fly

Tobias See-Through Hawk with Human Morph Inside

Other Toys

Claw on Hand Watch - Clock with Timer
Andalite Dome Ship Beam - Image changing Flashlight
Yeerk on the Brain - Magnetic Brain Maze
Animorpher - Mirror Image Changer
Animorphing Sphere - Picture Changing Ball

Pizza hut
Released: 1999
Rolls the letters TOBIAS and YEERK on a piece of paper. Tobias stamp flaps its wings as you roll it and the Yeerk stamp wiggles its legs.

These felt pen markers were most likely used as some sort of puzzle game to reveal a secret message.
Yeerk Mother Ship Ball
A rubber ball of the Yeerk Mother Ship.
Released: 1998
Puzzle Cube
Fold and unfold the puzzle cube to see different images
Morphing Box
Rub the middle of any of the sides to see Animorphs
Thought Speak Revealer
Read the story line on the card then use the red transparent window to see more
Tobias Hawk Slider
throw it and it glides
DNA transfer Cards
rub the card to reveal items - back of the cards is a puzzle
Related Links
TFU - Animorphs Toy Information
Secret Deep Space - Animorph Toys