A live radio show hosted by Animorphs fans where they re-read the books, creating them as their very own radio plays! Previous installments can be downloaded and listened on their website. The show itself is aired on KDUP 1050 AM (from the University of Portland campus), every Sunday night at 10PM.
Project DJs: Kyle, Mathew, CJ, and Jason
See: Project Website and Radio Show Schedule.
This is hosted by the Animorphs LiveJournal Community. It tallies up all of the most popular 90's references that were used in the Classic run of the Animorphs series. Each member in the project is responsible for listing the references for a certain book, which are then collectively added to a spreadsheet.
Project lead: Kiriska
See: Classic Infographic Tally and Discussion Topic / Sign Up List.
This project is hosted by RAF, where they create some very cool and original animated smilies for the series. The smilies include a wide range of things, from morphing to creature animations, and some of them have already been incorporated into their main forum! There are also many that are in a work-in-progress, and a 'RAF School' has even been started to show members how to make these nifty things as well!
Project leads: DinosaurNothlit and Goom.
See: Project Page, and Discussion/Participation Topic.