It began with 6. It will end with 5. No one ever thought it would be come to this. Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, Marco, and Ax know that even if they could have warned people in the beginning, no one would have believed their story. A story about an invasion of parasitic aliens. So, for all this time, Jake, the other Animorphs, and Ax have secretly held the Yeerks at bay. But those days are over. It’s come down to a final battle between the Yeerks and Animorphs. And no one knows who will win, lose, or live... |
Released: May 2001
Pages: 156
Cover Art by David B. Mattingly
Front Cover (Hi-Res)
Inside Cover (Hi-Res) |
U.S. Inside Cover |
French Cover |
- ANIBASE: For all of you Lord of the Rings fans, here's an interesting comment from Katherine Applegate about what inspired her when creating the ending for her long-running series:
"I'd always known that Animorphs would end the way it did. I knew I wanted it to end with victory, but I also knew I didn't want a clean victory. I wanted more Lord of the Rings, less Star Wars in the ending. I always admired the way Tolkien gave his characters victory, but left them with a sadder, less exciting, less enchanting world in the end."
- All of the models for the Animorphs featured on the front and inside cover had been changed since the series began, mostly because the original kids had grown up and moved away to college. Only Cassie's model (Biko) remained close enough to still model for Animorphs. And of course Ax, who is actually just a cardboard cutout.
- This is the only numerical book in the series that doesn't have the usual morph steps, going from their natural form to a kind of animal. Instead, the steps in this case go through all of the characters as a homage to the cover of the Rolling Stones' Greatest Hits "Hot Rocks 1964-1971" album. Here is what the original album cover looks like:

Likewise, the page-flipping morphing animations featured at the bottom right-hand corner of every Animorphs book is also different in this one, as it goes through all the Animorphs one by one, fading away down to only Jake at the end.
- The reaction behind the ending of Animorphs, specifically Jake's last line, was not met well with the fans. K.A. was surprised by this, and then responded to this criticism directly through Jeff Sampson, the co-creator of Morphz, who often kept in touch with her throughout the series. You can read K.A.'s response here.
ANIBASE: At the end of war, we meet Aculan-Semitur-Langor, a gruff Andalite leader who refuses to help the humans -- until it becomes apparent that the Andalite people back on the home world are watching his every move.
Several years later, many new people join the continuing saga of the Animorphs' lives. Cassie ends up dating a man named Ronnie Chamber who works with her to help protect the free Hork-Bajir. Prince Aximili has quite a few Andalite officers underneath him on his own ship, including First officer Menderash-Postill-Fastill who comes to Earth with news of Ax's capture by the Blade Ship and Prince Caysath-Winwall-Esgarrouth, who helps Jake get a Yeerk ship. Two of Jake's students -- Sergeant Santorelli and beautiful, French Jeannne Gerard join Jake, Marco, and Tobias on their mission to enter Kelbrid space and save Ax.
In Kelbrid space they meet a Yeerk named Efflit 1318, who is actually part of the collective known as The One. It is a newly revealed creature, this dangerous, Borg-like The One, that is the new enemy. Now as the series ends, the newly assembled Animorphs are beginning to fight to rescue Ax and destroy The One once and for all.
Jake |
None. |
Rachel |
None. |
Cassie |
None. |
Marco |
None. |
Tobias |
None. |
Ax |
None. |
Tom |
Cobra |
Andalite Tourists |
Humans. |
Taxxons |
Anacondas or various other large snakes. |
The Kelbrid have never been seen, but are known as warlike and very aggressive. They are also very trustworthy according to the Andalites -- for they have never violated the long-standing treaty stating that no member of either species shall enter the other's claimed space. It is because of this treaty that the Andalites can't go after the Blade Ship. Of course, the humans have no such treaty.
An unknown species, some of whose members are apparently space pirates.
The One
Who exactly is the one? Who knows. Is it just one creature, or an entire race? One thing's for sure -- it acts as a collective, absorbing other creatures and making them a part of itself. It's taken Ax, and now has its eyes on Jake and his team. Jake's new mission: Stop The One....
Prince Ax's very powerful Andalite ship.
An area of space claimed by the never seen but very dangerous Kelbrid people. The Andalites have a treaty to stay out of Kelbrid space.
The Rachel
The very fitting name for Jake's dangerous, sleek, and very cool Yeerk-created spaceship.
Marketing Campaign behind the ending of Animorphs
K.A. Applegate responds to the criticism behind #54
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A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.
Thanks to Neo X, and Slayer XY for scanning the inside cover!