Amazing that the time has flown by so fast. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for the great amount of positive support that you’ve shown this website over the last year. I only started it last summer as a personal project of mine, and I never expected it to take off and be as accepted as it did.
I know, I know, this sounds like the start of a very lame and monotonous honorary speech that you’d fall asleep to, but it’s true! It really makes me happy to receive such positive feedback in emails and messages from the loyal fanbase, who still loves this series even 7 years after it has ended (yeah, it really has been that long). So in conclusion: Animorphs rock! Thanks for helping Hirac Delest keep the series memorable! 😀
As you can see, some changes have been made. Most notably, this page! I’ve completely redesigned the banner and menu above, and framed the entire site. I have also now put in a blog for the status report (the page you’re reading now), to make it easier, faster, and more organized for you guys. Also, it gives all of you a chance to comment and discuss things on all of the latest updates! (look below for the comments option). Please reply and let me know what you think of this so far!
Of course, I doubt any of you care at this point. Most of you have likely already read the second part of the title of this update and are now frantically skimming down to this part just to get to it (kudos to those who can actually stand to hear me endlessly babble!).
HEY! STOP! THIS IS THE PART YOU WANT TO READ! *ahem* Yes, that’s right — As a special surprise for our ONE YEAR mark, I’d like to present all of you with K.A. Applegate’s First-Ever Video Webcast! For those that don’t know, I’ve been looking for this video of K.A. since I started this website. Most of you newer fans have probably never even seen (or heard of) this video before, which makes this update that much more sweeter.
Out of everything that I’ve wanted on this site, this video was definitely the first thing on my list to find. I looked up, down, everywhere! I even hunted down people (non theateningly, of course) who had this video in the past, and could help me search for it. After a long long time, it seemed almost hopeless until I got an email from James a little while back.
James was originally known as Monster, and ran the Monster’s Animorphs Website (now shut down). With his help, he was able to dig through his backups and find me this webcast. It was possibly the only AND last copy available for it online. I know I’m still babbling, but I just want you guys to know how big of a deal it is to finally find this video. It’s a rare one time opportunity that we’ve ever gotten to actually see K.A. for real. I am forever thankful to James for providing this video for us to see.
And with that, click the picture below to start watching K.A. Applegate’s First-Ever Webcast! 😀

Let me the first to warn you that this video can be a bit glitchy on some browsers. The video itself is presented in SMI format (something I’m completely unfamiliar with), so it took some time for me to figure out how to present it to you guys. Basically, if you hate Real Player (and I know many do) you’re going to have to suck it up and download the newest free version if you want to see this video. Restart your browser or hit refresh once you’ve done so and it should work (I’ve tested this out on different computers already and it works everytime).
If for some reason your browser still can’t work it right (audio, but no video), then you can download it straight to your computer from the provided zip file. The instructions are all on that page.
As for the rest of the site, here’s a brief summary of what I’ve updated:
Added in K.A’s Webcast, Transcript, and Download in the Cast & Crew section of Articles & Interviews, and also on the Downloads page. The Help Wanted page has also been updated to this change.
The Memorable Quotes have also been updated with several new submissions. Feel free to add more if you have any good ones that you’d like to share.
I updated the links on the page since some of them were outdated. I also added videos for Huntsgirl12 (4 Music Videos) and Visser2Azula (1 Trailer) in their individual pages.
As part of the redesign on the website, I’ve also changed the banner and menu up top as most of you have probably noticed already, and I’ve edited many of the individual pages on the website to work with the new look. A few more things still need to be changed, but this is all I had time for today.
Lastly, let me know how you’re liking the new blog. I still have to tweak a few things here and there. But I think it’s going to work out pretty well. Comment below. Let me know what you think of K.A’s Webcast too. I’m sure if K.A ends up seeing it posted on this website anytime soon, she’ll flip, but it’s okay (She’s doesn’t like the attention apparently). Either way, I’d like to hear your reactions on it too. Especially you newer fans who have never seen this before 😀
Until Next Time!