Thanks to JRTCMA for letting me know, the winners for the Animorphs 2008 Music Video Contest have been announced! The winners are:
1st Place
“EVERYDAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME” (Series Tribute) / By Issam S.
2nd Place
“SET ME FREE” (Tobias Tribute) / By Mimi.
3rd Place
“MISSING” (Jake Tribute) / By Visser2Azula
THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED! The Contest Page has been updated with these results, and you can watch all the winners on there, as well as the videos for all of the participants.
posted by Hirac Delest at 6:29 pm
I recently got a hold of an old issue of Cracked Magazine (Issue #339) that had a parody of Animorphs in it, entitled ‘Animorons’. I didn’t really find it funny, but it’s up in the Articles & Interviews section regardless. Here are the scans for the pages:

Also, thanks to Dan, I’ve added two more articles in the Database as well. Both of them are of Michael Grant’s new book series ‘Gone’. So I’ve created a new sub section for all future Non-Animorphs related news to be placed in there. Both of them are posted in the Articles & Interviews section too.
posted by Hirac Delest at 2:58 pm