A poster named faerykore over at the Animorphs LiveJournal Community posted a short live action Animorphs Fan Film that was made by his friends. The movie involves a person in question being interrogated by two authority figures, where they slowly reveal the secrets about the Animorphs.
Watch it here:
posted by Hirac Delest at 1:23 am
Wow, its been a while since my last update. Apologies to all. College is finally coming to an end for me in 2+ months, so life has been heck lately. Rest assured that I have been getting your emails and submissions, and I’m trying to do my best to keep on top of them.
Anyways, for today I’ve updated Fan art section with some new stuff by Dan. You may have seen his stuff already if you go on Deviant Art, but if not, then check these out:

He’s recreated many of the scenes in the Animorph books through a variation of photoshop effects and stock images. He’s even made some original 3D models for the ships, and an short animation of it! All of this has been updated in the Fan Projects section under Fan Art and Multimedia. Very cool stuff, so take a look!
I’ve also added in 3 more Quotes. Thanks to those that submitted them in! I’ve also received scans and pictures on several new items, but those will have to wait until the next update, since I’m short on time at the moment.
If you have items or things to share, then please keep sending them in. I am organizing and sorting through them, and you can be certain that I will put them up on the site (eventually).
Until Next Time!
posted by Hirac Delest at 3:15 am