Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Sections Created & New Music Added


Hello and welcome! There were some new changes made to the site today. If you take a look up, you’ll notice that the menu has gotten a bit bigger. That’s because there are two new sections: Downloads and Support. (If you don’t see them, then that’s most likely because your browser hasn’t updated yet. Hit refresh or reload, or just restart the browser altogether.)

I spent much of my time reorganizing the site today and yesterday. It has been a slow frustrating process, but I think it’s going to work out for the best for the archive. Hirac Delest is growing more and more, so it’s only natural to keep up with the changes and expand further so that everything doesn’t get completely lost in the shuffle, which is why I felt we needed to add a new Downloads section, rather than keeping it squeezed in the Database.

The new Downloads section will have all of the original things (music, videos, screensavers, etc), except now they’re better organized in their subpages, rather than being shoved all into one page. Also, while moving the pages, I did add a few new things, such as new Music from the TV show. Four new songs to be exact.

These are the tunes and songs that you’d hear in the backgrounds of the episodes. It took me a while to find them for this site, so please do check it out (My favourite is probably “For You” and the Staredown tune from “Not My Problem”). The audio section got a new Brooke (Rachel) & Nadia (Cassie) interview, as well as some new sound clips from the tv show. Be sure to have a listen to them too.

Also, every music, audio, and video page will have streaming controls now, meaning that you can watch and listen to the file right then and there. Don’t worry though, you can still download them as usual by just following this icon:

Lastly, the new Support section is something I had to separate for itself as well, because it’s apparent how important that is to everyone who comes here. A lot of people are contributing a ton of things to this site all the time, so this is a better way to keep track of things specifically for that.

The Story part of the website merged with a few things from the previous About section, because it just made sense to put it there. I’m planning on adding other things like profiles for K.A. Applegate and David B. Mattingly on that part of the site soon. I’m surprised I didn’t do it sooner.

Anyways, that about covers it for now. The Header and Menu up there got a few design changes too, while I moved things around. Take a look around. Try out all the streaming features with the music and videos. Hopefully they’ll make things look better and give a much more enjoyable experience to you all now. Any feedback on this would be much appreciated.

Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:46 am  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Forms Fixed & Contest Page Changed


All the forms on the website should now be working again (Trivia, Quotes, About us, etc). If you come across a form that I have accidentally forgotten or one that is still not working, then please let me know ASAP, and I’ll fix it. Remember that you can contact me directly through email or through the Hirac Delest Forum, or even by replying to this blog post.

The About Page has also been updated. Thanks to Raevyn and Foamy for providing me for the Ellimist Chronicles inside cover. All we have left to get now is #42! Please contact me if you can provide this!

The Animorphs 2008 Contest Page has also been updated with new details.

Now that that’s out of the way, expect an actual update on some new site content soon. I’ve got some cool stuff that I’ve been anxious to put up 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:03 pm  

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Comment boxes & Contest Enteries


I hadn’t noticed this before, but the comment and submission boxes on this website are currently not working. It has something to do with us moving to a new domain. I’m going to try and fix them all as soon as I get the time. In the mean while, if you have something important to send me, or need to get a hold me, please use the email hirac_delest@hotmail.com

Thanks to JRTCMA for pointing this out to me on the forum. I appreciate it.

Also, FYI, the rules for the Animorphs 2008 Music Video Contest have been altered to allow up to 4 video submissions from each person now. You still can’t submit more than one video to each category, but if you wish to submit 4 videos, each for a separate category, then that’s fine. The changes in the rules haven’t been reflected onto the actual page yet, but I’ll be updating with that as I fix the submission forms as soon as I can.

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:56 pm  

Monday, August 4, 2008

Animation from David B. Mattingly


Does everyone here remember David B. Mattingly? He’s the artist who made all of those great morphing covers on the Animorph books. Anyway, he posted a video on Youtube showing off some of the morphs from the covers in animation! Some of them are newly animated and unseen before now! Check it out below!

Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoEABlcwDZ8

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:51 pm  

Monday, August 4, 2008

Community Link Changed & Special Download


So I was looking through the website’s layout today and I realized that I had overlooked something incredibly simple: I hadn’t linked the forum directly through the Community tab up there. Instead, I had it lead to a separate page where you would have to click on another link for the forum again so that it would open up in another window or tab.

Why didn’t I change this to link directly to the forum when I changed the layout? I have no idea. But it’s fixed now. Click the Community tab and you’ll see it pop up right below as with every other page on the website. The reasoning behind this is that the header up there will always stay up there, and it will combine the entire site together. You can now easily jump to anywhere in Hirac Delest and back into the community forum without any sort of hassle of switching between windows.

I spent a few hours just trying to adjust the CSS coding for the Invision Free board to adjust it to the current site’s look, but eventually (after much frustration), I just gave up and returned back to its old style. Maybe once I figure out how to go about it, I’ll take another stab, but for now, the look will be staying. I created a new banner for the forum as well.

Also, for those that haven’t been visiting the website forum lately (or AT ALL! tsk tsk), you’ll notice that I’ve uploaded something very special for all of you in the Downloads section. What is it? Register and find out. It’s for members only 😉

posted by Hirac Delest at 3:42 am  

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Animorphs 2008 Music Video Contest!


The Hirac Delest 2008 Music Video Contest is now up! I know there are a lot of fans out there (I guess, including myself now too) that love to make music video for Animorphs (They’re all over Youtube, for those clueless). If you’re one of these people, or you’re someone new who’d like to give it a try, then you’re gonna wanna check this out!

The contest calls for you to submit 2 of your best videos by October 31. Check out the page for rules and categories. I’ve even provided a submission form to make things painless. You can also spread the word, and check any updates for the page directly at: www.hiracdelest.com/contest-status.htm

Also, as for videos, I’ve changed the layout for the Fan Projects main page up a bit, and added in a few new videos: Visser2Azula (1 New) and Huntsgirl12 (9 New – WOW). I also added my video which I updated with on this blog a little while back: Issam (1 New).

A few other small changes have also been made here and there. The Memorable Quotes has also been updated with a new quote. Aside from that, there’s not much else. More will come soon.

Until Next Time! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 5:38 am