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Status Report

Monday, August 4, 2008

Community Link Changed & Special Download


So I was looking through the website’s layout today and I realized that I had overlooked something incredibly simple: I hadn’t linked the forum directly through the Community tab up there. Instead, I had it lead to a separate page where you would have to click on another link for the forum again so that it would open up in another window or tab.

Why didn’t I change this to link directly to the forum when I changed the layout? I have no idea. But it’s fixed now. Click the Community tab and you’ll see it pop up right below as with every other page on the website. The reasoning behind this is that the header up there will always stay up there, and it will combine the entire site together. You can now easily jump to anywhere in Hirac Delest and back into the community forum without any sort of hassle of switching between windows.

I spent a few hours just trying to adjust the CSS coding for the Invision Free board to adjust it to the current site’s look, but eventually (after much frustration), I just gave up and returned back to its old style. Maybe once I figure out how to go about it, I’ll take another stab, but for now, the look will be staying. I created a new banner for the forum as well.

Also, for those that haven’t been visiting the website forum lately (or AT ALL! tsk tsk), you’ll notice that I’ve uploaded something very special for all of you in the Downloads section. What is it? Register and find out. It’s for members only 😉

posted by Hirac Delest at 3:42 am  

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