Some more new things for today. The Audio Clips section in Downloads has been fixed. I know some people were having problems with it when I first released it, so I re-encoded everything so that it would work well no matter what browser you used now (IE, Firefox, etc). If something is still off or not working on that page, then please let me know by emailing me or by posting below.
Also, we’ve got a bunch of new items today for the Fan Projects section:
Fan Art: Check out some awesome drawings from Monster Man, with a total of 8 pieces. Visser Three is known for many vicious and unusual morphs for hunting down the Animorphs in the series, and Monster Man has gone through and drawn most of them in here. Go ahead and take a look. I think you’ll like ’em.
Video: Visser2Azula has another great video for us: Jake’s Tribute.
Multimedia: Two new interesting things here. Both of these are from RAF, and once I saw them, I just had to ask the creators to see if they would want to share it with us. I’m glad they agreed.
Check out a Yeerk Online Host Compatibility Dating mock webpage called InfestRight made by Pez001, and an Animorphs Phone Answering Machine sound clip by Toominator (It has been posted in the audio clips page as well).
I personally think both of these are absolutely hilarious and creative. Hopefully you all enjoy them as much as I did.
Lastly, we’ve got a bunch of great new Quotes added in from you guys, so check those out, and be sure to send more of your favourites our way.
That about covers it for now. Until next time!
posted by Hirac Delest at 1:17 am
Thanks to Raevyn, we now have the last missing inside cover: #42! I have reflected this change onto the Support page, and am now working on arranging for all of covers to viewed in the gallery section for a future update. At the same time, I’m also still working on the book section so that they have their rightful place on the site.
However, saying this, I’m still looking for a better picture of the inside covers #40, 42, and 43. The reason behind this is that these were all taken with a digital camera, so the quality is decent, but not on par with the rest of the covers. If you can provide me direct scans, then this would be much appreciated.
Please contact me as usual (email, form, or reply right below to this post, remembering to a leave a way for me to contact you back.)
posted by Hirac Delest at 12:21 am
Michael Grant & K.A. Applegate (co-authors of Animorphs) have their own new blog up now called “Stupid Blog Name”.
Check it out at:
Update: I’ve added links for K.A, Michael, and everyone else onto the right side of this blog. All future links will be updated on there.
posted by Hirac Delest at 6:24 pm
Hirac Delest now has an icon on the address bar! Isn’t that AMAZING?!
Okay, it’s a lame update, but I needed to clear my guilt with a quick update for not adding anything new for a while now. I’ve been working on your submissions here and there, so I’ll definitely have something real up after my exams are finished in a week or so.
posted by Hirac Delest at 5:37 pm
This is an unrelated post to the archive, but I thought I’d update you all on Michael Grant’s (Animorphs co-author) new series “GONE”. The website has now been launched with a new blog related to the series. I believe Mr. Grant wrote this blog himself, but I’m not completely sure. Either way, it’s supposed to introduce a new character named “Sinder” that has been unheard of until now, so check it out:
Also, if you haven’t read his new book yet, then what are you waiting for?! I finished it a few weeks back, and I couldn’t put it down! It’s very, very cool, and I’m really looking forward to the sequel (which I believe is set to be released sometime on June 2009).
On a personal note, it’s too bad that the name was already taken. All throughout the book I was like “Oh man, this is awesome, I gotta start a website or something. I know! I’ll name it THE FAYZ”. I know, I know, I’m just so original. Picture me scene framing that name with my hands and you’ve got an inside peek at my thinking process, lol.
It’s too bad I was beaten to it, but oh well, maybe I’ll come up with something else? Something original. I’ll have to think it through and see if I even have enough time to consider it as a project with my last year of college coming up. Maybe I’ll use it as cover for one of my projects? Hm.. who knows. *grin*
Until next time!
posted by Hirac Delest at 10:17 pm