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Status Report

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Music, fan submissions, and updated FAQ


Thanks to TTH, and the great Animorphs LiveJournal Community, we now have 2 more songs from the Animorphs TV show in the Music and Soundtracks page. As usual, they can both be downloaded or streamed here on the site. They are:


Eden White’s “Song Unsung”
From Jake & Tom’s phone convo in “The Capture” Part 2

Poe – “Fly Away”
From Tobias’s first flight in “Tobias” (heh).


A few more fan submissions have also been updated (sorry for the delay). They include: 2 new Memorable Quotes from Amy; 1 new Music Video from Visser2Azula; and 1 new wallpaper in the Image Gallery by Slayer XY.

Speaking of Slayer XY, I want to give a major thanks out to him right now. He emailed me a little while back and gave me the requested inside covers in High Quality, and not only for the ones that we needed in better quality, but he went through and gave me ALL of the inside covers along with them anyway. Awesome stuff. Thanks Slayer XY for the incredible effort, and to everyone else who I know did a lot out of their way for providing me the inside covers also. I’ll be sure to give every one of you proper credit once the book section is up, which, yes, will be completed sometime this decade (Hey, it’s a LOT to go through with 50+ Animorph books!).

Lastly, I have updated the FAQ and the Help Wanted sections on the Support Page. The FAQ has a new entry for those that are interested in knowing about the Animorphs movie. I get several emails asking me the same question over and over, so instead of repeating myself constantly, I thought it’d be best if I created an answer to it on here.

I still have some more stuff piling up for me to add onto this site (as always), but that’s all I can do for now at the moment. Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 9:29 am  


  1. I am so glad I could help a great site!

    Comment by TTH — October 31, 2008 @ 2:57 pm

  2. Someone on one of Eden White’s iTunes pages claimed that her song “Let Me In” was also featured on Animorphs, though I can’t remember if I heard it on the show.

    You can hear part of the song on this page:

    Comment by Hylian Dan — November 5, 2008 @ 9:20 pm

  3. I took a listen to it, but I didn’t recognize that song from any particular moment in the tv series. I think it might just have been a confusion between ‘Song Unsung’ because of the slight similarities to the piano opening in both songs.

    Comment by iS — November 6, 2008 @ 11:50 am

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