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Status Report

Saturday, June 27, 2009

2 Years running, Happy Anniversary!


Today is Hirac Delest’s 2 Year Anniversary! I’m surprised at how fast the time has flown by, and by the fact that the site has successfully still been around for as long as it has. I just wanted to take the time and thank you, all of you, for the great amount of support that you’ve shown for this project and this site over the last two years.

It honestly has received a lot more praise, attention, and dedication than what I had originally expected when I first started this project, so thank you. The last 2 great years have been a great pleasure for me, to work and interact with the fanbase that is still very much active all around the world, we’ve certainly accomplished a lot during that time, and I’m looking forward to the many more years to come.

I do have something special set aside for today’s occasion, an insanely huge update that I want to share with you. However, I wanna make sure it’s all set and ready to go without any problems, so stay tuned for another update coming soon. 🙂


posted by Hirac Delest at 4:08 pm  

Monday, June 22, 2009

Michael Grant reads from ‘Hunger’


Not a whole lot of updates for the actual database today. I’ve been in a blur of busy-ness the last couple of weeks, with my graduation and all. I’ll hopefully add some new stuff in soon though, so no worries. In the mean time, I thought I’d update on Michael Grant’s latest online activities.

Those that follow Michael Grant on Twitter will already know this, but for those that don’t, he has begun posting ‘video tweets’ of himself reading his latest book ‘Hunger’ from the ‘Gone’ series (Hunger came out a few weeks ago, so grab it if you haven’t yet!). Each video tweet will have Mr. Grant reading from the book, eventually covering all of it. Five parts have been uploaded already, but here is the first one for you to view:

Here are the rest: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.


The Fayz website also went through a cosmetic update (simulating Sinder blogging on her laptop). The Official Harper Teens ‘Gone’ website is also now online as well (link added to the side).

Lastly, there is a foreign subtitled interview that took place with Michael Grant which was posted on youtube (I have no idea what language, but he talks in English). There are 10 parts to it. I’ve assembled them all into a playlist for you guys, so you can watch it all easily here:


That about covers it for now. Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:56 pm