Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mission (Book) Database & All Inside Covers Released!


IT. IS. DONE! It took nearly 2 years to collect, assemble, and finish, but it’s done. It’s finally ready. The full Mission (Book) Database for Hirac Delest is officially online! Click the link up on the header, or go directly there.

Once you’re in there, you will notice that these aren’t just any regular old book pages, but the complete and definite pages for all Animorph books. They include:

  • ALL Front U.S, International, and Inside Covers (submitted by many of the visitors here at Hirac Delest);
  • eBooks (courtesy of RAF, and all of it’s amazing contributors);
  • Trivia (written by me, but also mostly by Jeff, who wrote the official Anibase), as well as Terms, Species, Morphs, Characters, and Promotional Items (Avatars, Screensavers, Videos, etc).

Basically, if there’s something relevant to note about a certain Animorphs book, you can expect to find info for it within these pages! I’ve spent a lot of time creating this part of the site– editing, coding, assembling all the data and info, to make sure that it’s good and ready for the archive.

I also, of course, want to individually thank all of the contributors who submitted the inside covers, pictures, and scans for these individual pages here at Hirac Delest. They include: Ryan S, Slayer XY, Neo X, Raevyn, Foamy, Monster, Gloria, Michael, Liz, and Sat. Many apologies if I left anyone out, but I do greatly appreciate the amount of personal time and effort every one of you has given me to make sure that I could complete this archive. Also a major thanks to Jeff, who not only wrote most of the official Anibase, but also provided much of the behind-the-scenes insight to the series. I’ve made sure to clearly credit and label everything that has come directly from the Anibase (especially in the trivia, terms, and characters). Everything else has been written by me.

That about sums it up. Please let me know of what you think! Also, since I did assemble all these pages solo, please let me know if you catch any errors or mistakes on these pages. I did my best to make sure that there are none on there, but if you do find some, I would appreciate them pointed out so that I could fix them quickly. At the same time, if you wish to submit something for these pages, just go ahead and do it the way you guys normally do (email, message board, etc) and I’ll be sure to add it in.

This update itself has been a long time coming, and I’m very excited to finally have it up, so I hope you all enjoy this collective nostalgic geek-out as much as I do. Until next time! 😀


posted by Hirac Delest at 10:55 am  


  1. Great work!

    Comment by Richard — October 3, 2009 @ 1:06 pm

  2. The moment we have all been waiting for. It looks pretty good though I have not had a chance to check out each individual page yet.

    Comment by Sat — October 3, 2009 @ 1:09 pm

  3. Awesome! I gave you props on our Facebook page to get the word out on this. Way to go! I too haven’t gone through it all (Just the first two books) but what I have seen is great!

    Comment by DJ Kyle — October 3, 2009 @ 2:27 pm

  4. Thank you! This is awesome, I’m excited to look through it all.

    Comment by Hylian Dan — October 4, 2009 @ 5:49 pm

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