Michael Grant (co-author/creator for Animorphs) updated his Facebook and Twitter this morning to inform the fans of his GONE series that he will be at the NYC Barnes and Nobles on October 15th at 7PM, with the first 20 people at the book signing to receive a flash drive with the opening chapters of the 3rd Gone book LIES, as well as to his new upcoming series, the MAGNIFICENT 12.
Along with him will also be Scott Westerfeld, who will be celebrating the release of his latest book LEVIATHAN (cover image on right). Scott Westerfeld, by chance, is also another one of my long-time favourite authors. A personal recommend from me to check out his UGLIES and MIDNIGHTERS series if you haven’t already!
Below is also a quote by Michael Grant from his blog:
Yes. I am still alive.
If you’d like proof, I will be at the BARNES and NOBLE at 86th and Lexington in New York City, October 15th, 7:00 PM.
I’ll be wearing black.
Also there: the great and powerful Scott Westerfeld! The lovely and vivacious (I assume) Carrie Ryan! And the, oh, let’s say the talented and translucent (look, I’m tired and I’m out of adjectives, okay?) James Dashner!
Never in the history of young adult literature has such a panel of luminaries assembled in one place. The sheer brilliance will astound you! It’s entirely possible that we will combine to form a singularity and suck not only you but the entire bookstore into a black hole. That’s right: we are just that deep.
But wait: there’s more! The first 20 people who show up and buy a book (one of mine, duh) for signing get a flash drive containing the first chapters of LIES and the first chapters of an entirely separate series, THE MAGNIFICENT 12.
Sweet Lord, can you imagine a more astounding offer? You can? Well, too bad because this is all the offer I have right now.
Come one, come all, and hear four YA authors bloviate, pontificate, and try to top each other in pandering to you, our devoted audience. Should be fun.
Michael Grant
So the short version:
Barnes & Nobles
86th and Lexington, New York
October 15th, 2009
7:00 PM
Got it? Good! Until next time!
SOURCES: stupidblogname.com; scottwesterfeld.com/blog