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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

K.A. Applegate’s new VIDEO INTERVIEW on Animorphs! Also, the NEW Rachel cover model!


I still surprise myself when I get a little adrenaline rush from stumbling onto something like this, and realize just how much of an impact this series still has on me. Here is a very exciting new promo by Scholastic that features K.A. Applegate herself. In here, she talks about the story origins of Animorphs, about the 90s culture, and about the new relaunch coming next year! On top of that, the video also gives us our first glimpse of the new Rachel model from Animorphs #2! (Why are you still reading this? I know most of you have already clicked play):


You can also see it directly by going to Scholastic’s website!


K.A. Applegate, co-creator and author of Animorphs.The new Rachel cover model from Animorphs #2!

As for Rachel’s new cover model, you can see her along with Jake at the 1:40 mark, or by clicking on the snapshot I took (above). Also, as last time, if anyone is able to get me a downloadable copy of this video, then please forward it to my email so that I can save it for the archive.

UPDATE: Thanks to a speedy response from Veronica, we now also have the actual video file for the interview! I’ll be sure to add that into the archive once I get some time.

That’s all for now! Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates like this on the Animorphs relaunch. Until next time! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 6:35 pm  


  1. Nice to hear from KAA herself on things.

    I think it got a little overly dramatic in places, but it just wouldn’t be fun without that. 😉

    Comment by capnnerefir — December 15, 2010 @ 7:01 pm

  2. “Oh my gosh!” was my literal reaction after watching the video. Definitely put a smile on my face. I really want to read those books now. Maybe I should just get to reading my copies…

    Comment by Asrialys — December 15, 2010 @ 8:49 pm

  3. 2 spin-offs?? meaning Megamorphs and Chronicles?? I also got to thinking that I hope the KASUs will be corrected for these re-published versions.

    Comment by Anon — December 16, 2010 @ 10:17 pm

  4. Someone needs to put this on YouTube, if Scholastic hasn’t done so.

    Comment by Jordan — December 22, 2010 @ 4:36 pm

  5. Oh, wow, wow, wow! My literal reaction was “OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!” And then I called my friend, who – can you believe it? – has never read the Animorphs. I gushed about the amazing-ness of the re-release for about a half-hour before she hung up on me.

    But this is so cool! So. Cool. I used to live in Sarasota, Florida! Maybe I lived near them! Oh my gosh!

    Comment by Renn — January 11, 2011 @ 11:10 pm

  6. Ick! That cover model doesn’t look even close to what Rachel should look like.

    …And K.A looks so incredibly different from the last video I saw her in. Not just age wise, but she looks like a different person to me. Maybe she dyed her hair?

    Can’t wait for the books! I’d love to try and collect my favorites, because many of the ones in my collection are old and marked up. Still readable, but I’d like to have a few not so bashed.

    I think the music should’ve been lower in the beginning. It was too loud to hear the voice over!
    Great vid otherwise.

    Comment by Tobias Fangirl — February 11, 2011 @ 11:48 am

  7. :O! That was pretty awesome/ridiculous. Not a big fan of the Rachel model, but, whatever. I’m actually really psyched to pre-order these! If they’re sufficiently different/updated, it’ll be worth a look at side by side.

    Comment by Cadence — February 21, 2011 @ 3:02 pm

  8. Hahaaa I actually hit play instantly, then read the upper paragraph. Why do I even bother when I already hit play.

    Man the 90’s was a cool time, despite its cheese it got. I’m gonna miss the references it got. ’til this day, I understand most of it still. Still, I honestly am so stoked for this I can’t wait for this relaunch for this generation!

    Comment by Josh — March 3, 2011 @ 2:39 am

  9. […] model! The video is small and blurry, but she seems to be much different from snapshot we took from K.A’s Scholastic Video we posted about from last […]

    Pingback by Hirac Delest » Michael Grant: Lenticular Animorphs Covers in Action! — March 14, 2011 @ 5:33 pm

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