“If we squirm, the Yeerks will win.”
Coincidentally, I think Hugo Weaving would be a great voice for Elfangor (or Visser Three). Unfortunately, this picture is from another franchise, but we can still <hope>, can’t we? The new year is filled with possibilities, and I’m excited to share it with the rest of you!
I have no official news at the moment. This is just a really long overdue ‘Happy New Years’ message that I was too sick to roll out to you awesome fans this past week. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and is excited for the re-release of Animorphs this year! I also currently have a few things planned out for the archive this year, which I will be slowly working on as I get the time (when I’m not updating with the latest relaunch stuff). So stay tuned and be ready!
Until next time!