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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scholastic: K.A. Applegate’s NEW Video!


The Official Scholastic Youtube Channel has just released another video featuring K.A. Applegate, author of the Animorphs series. It looks like this was filmed during her first-ever autograph session at the L.A. Times: Festival of Books. Here it is:

OR, you can directly launch the video on Youtube.

UPDATE: The launch of the video and L.A. Times event is further covered by Scholastic’s OOM (On Our Minds) Blog. Full article: oomscholasticblog.com.

Interesting thing to note: Kheetor84, who we previously mentioned in our community highlight post, got a mention in the article as well! In addition to this, there is also another K.A. Applegate interview posted by the Scholastic Kid Reporter. You can read it here.

posted by Hirac Delest at 3:00 pm  

1 Comment »

  1. Nice interview, but *cough* some of us are a hair older then 24 and still reading Animorphs. (I’m a 26 year old geezer and a die hard fan! Just today I was thinking what a cool/rediculous/epic name Estreen would be for a girl. What a tribute!–Not that I want kids, I was just thinking.)

    Some of the questions we fans already new, but
    the others were nice and fresh. I liked it.
    K.A sure has aged well over the years, hasn’t she?
    (Not that she is that old, but some people don’t
    age well or gracefully, you know?)

    LOL at the cinnabuns thing. Unfortunately, as a vegetarian, I was pretty upset to find out they contain non-vegetarian ingredients. You’d think of all
    things, somthing as simple as that would be vegg!
    Well, that’s what Pillsbury is for I guess.
    Besides, there is one thing any vegetarian can
    appreciate about Animorphs that has nothing to do
    with food-morphing into animals! ^_^

    Comment by Tobias Fangirl — June 8, 2011 @ 3:40 pm

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