Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Sunday, August 28, 2011

David B. Mattingly’s Animations, featuring Marco!


David B. Mattingly, the original artist for the Classic Animorphs series, has posted 2 new videos up on his Youtube channel. Here is the first one, featuring Marco in a few of his original flipbook animations:

The second video is for the Sanctuary screensaver morphs, which can be viewed here. This video, however, is a compilation and does not include the original audio from the individual videos that were released by Scholastic.

To watch them as they were, I have them stored in our video archive (scroll down to ‘Sanctuary Screensavers Morphs’ from the drop down menu and click ‘Go’). I saved these a long time ago, back when the Animorphs Sanctuary Club was still active at Scholastic’s official website.

Mr. Mattingly has also stated in his video summaries that if there is enough of a request from the fans that he will post more animations. So make sure you rate and comment on those videos!

UPDATE: The Marco video was removed and re-uploaded with other character videos by David B. Mattingly (Full Post HERE), so I replaced the above with the Sanctuary Screensaver video instead.

posted by Hirac Delest at 10:11 am  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Animorphs #3 Relaunch Edits, and Classic updates too!


The relaunch edit list for Animorphs #3 is now online! I have also updated the edit list for the first two books as well, with 2 KASUs fixes in Animorphs #1, and an error fix in Animorphs #2.

Along with this, I have also gone ahead and added KASU lists in the Animorphs #1-3 Classic books too! This will hopefully be an interesting comparison between the two types of editions, and the kind of editing that went into the reprints.

Also, a big credit to Anifan12 who gave me the list of KASUs for the Classic books! The list was originally hosted on Geocities, so he handed it off to me for the archive when Yahoo was shutting those pages down. I’ll now be making sure to add these Classic KASU lists along with release of every reprint edit list that I come out with.

That’s all for now!

posted by Hirac Delest at 10:26 am  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Animorphs #2 Relaunch Edits & Updates Posted!


The relaunch edits for Animorphs #2: The Visitor are now posted in our Missions section. I had a bit more fun with this one, and was able to find about 25 edits in total.

Along with this, Animorphs #1 has also been re-organized and updated with 2 new edits, thanks to yunyun. If anyone has any extra edits that I have not already posted for Animorphs #1 and 2, then please contact me.

(The edit list for Animorphs #3 is also currently being compiled, but is on hold until I can get a bit more free time to work on it.)

That’s all for now!

posted by Hirac Delest at 5:53 am