Marco never wanted to be an Animorph. He didn’t want the ability to change into any animal he touches. And he certainly didn’t want to be one of a handful of kids that are the planet’s only defense against a secret alien army. His friends know why he feels the way he does. He’s worried about his dad — the only family Marco has left. If anything happens to him, his father will be alone. But something big is about to change for Marco. Something that could finally give him a reason to fight.
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The next book will be Animorphs #6: The Capture and it will be released March 01, 2012. Links are up on our order page. Also, if you haven’t already, then take a look at our update from yesterday. Scholastic has released a new writing contest along with Animorphs #5, with the grand prize of autographed Animorphs books from K.A. Applegate, and a Nintendo 3DS!
Is it your intention to never update again?
Nearly two months?
K.A Applegate used to churn out almost TWO BOOKS in the same time that you haven’t been able to write one good paragraph of an update!
I profusely, sincerely, and profoundly apologize if my tone sounds rude, it is only my polite and noble intention to inquire as to the status of your updates. On what date will we expect an update from you?
I thank you.
Comment by Carn'drasto — January 24, 2012 @ 5:25 pm
You realize, of course, that:
1) I am not K.A. Applegate.
2) I don’t get paid to do this.
3) I don’t owe you anything, and
4) I am a regular guy who juggles real life and work as well?
Also, I have updated past this post. Click ‘Status’ up top to see more. Another thing is that the series ended over 10 years ago, so news is hard to find.
If you still have a problem with the lack of updates, then feel free to go elsewhere. It’s incredibly rude to attack me, or anyone for that matter, when a project such as this is built and run on spare time.
Comment by Issam — January 25, 2012 @ 1:02 am
I humbly disagree with you on a point or two.
You DO owe us something!
See here now, I know that sounds rude, but allow me to issue an explanation.
You chose to take on the responsibility of creating the most-updated Animorphs fan news site. You chose to take on the task of getting the latest scoops, of acquiring the latest cover images. You took this mantle upon yourself.
It is a noble decision, indeed. I praise it, sincerely. It is like when Peter Parker said “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”, and did not date Mary Jane, it is like Bruce Wayne choosing out of his own free will to become Batman, it is like a politician who just decides to run for office, it is like, indeed, an Animorph, who makes the choice to take upon themselves the insane responsibility of saving humanity from a seemingly unstoppable threat.
Once the choice is made, the responsibility thus becomes your own. You have chosen this role, and thus part of that role is owing others.
At this time, I must also confess my own error, to be a fair person. You see, I always found your site by googling “Animorphs Relaunch”. In past times, this always brought me to your most recent update. For the past 2 months, it has only brought me to this one post. I do not know why. I now see you have posted news about K A Applegate’s new book, false fan art covers, and an interview about an old-school video game, which I have to admit is interesting.
I wish you luck in your continued quest to provide Animorphs facts, and I do look forward to learning new updates about the relaunch, such as what the new covers will look like, and if Applegate will take this once-in-an-eon chance to fix the rushed finale of book 54.
I have been foolish and correct at the same time, and from this moment forth I shall be a silent observer of your blog and keep my criticisms to myself. I, with hundreds of others, eagerly await the new details you may acquire through your good sources.
Good day and good luck to you, Good Sir. We are Animorphs Fans, thus always allies.
Comment by Carn'drasto — January 25, 2012 @ 2:30 am