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Thursday, October 22, 2009

College Humor uses ‘Megamorphs #2’ as one alternate theory for Dinosaur Extinction!

Thanks to Ian , who forwarded us this link. College Humor recently used Megamorphs #2: In the Time of Dinosaurs in one of their articles as one of the alternate theories as to why the Dinosaurs went extinct.

Here is the Animorphs part:

THEORY: Warmongers send a comet to Earth as revenge after being outfoxed by the Animorphs

THEORIST : Megamorphs #2: In The Time of Dinosaurs

Though there is much literature that speaks of a comet striking the Earth and killing the dinosaurs, only Megamorphs #2 pins the crime on the war-mongering Nesk. The Animorphs actually have an opportunity to stop the comet from wiping out the dinosaurs and their new friends the Mercoca, but decide to allow the genocide when they realize the implications of altering the timeline and allowing the Mercoca to establish a presence on Earth. Heavy stuff for a book called "Megamorphs."


Source: College Humor. October 07, 2009.
"11 Alternate Dinosaur Extinction Theories"

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:14 pm  


  1. funny :]

    Comment by tobias girl — October 25, 2009 @ 12:20 pm

  2. The Animorphs and the Dinosaurs theories were excellent. I always loved both of them.

    Comment by Sarah — November 21, 2009 @ 8:42 pm

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