Two Articles have been posted up on eHow by A.M. Trent, “How to Detect a Human Controller” and “How to Detect an Andalite“. I believe these two are going to be part of a series of articles that will be posted on there by her. They’re both amusing and educational, so check ’em out. 😉
I also have another article to share by Enreeco, who is Defending K.A. on “Why the ending of Animorphs was everything it should have been“. Check it out in the Projects section. Both his, and the links to the eHow articles have been posted in there.
Lastly, there is also some new fan fiction by Capnnerefir, who wanted to share us his link for Neomorphs. You can find it on the same page as well.
That’s all for now. If you’ve sent some submissions along my way, don’t worry, I’m going through them as fast I can. Until next time! 🙂
Thanks for the mention of the articles! I will be adding new Animorph-related how-to articles soon.
Comment by A.M. Trent — January 9, 2010 @ 8:28 pm
Cool articles! I’ll never, ever (ever!) agree Animorphs ended as it should have ended, but the eHow articles sound good.
Comment by sarah — January 10, 2010 @ 3:44 pm
And, to explain – I actually agree with the article’s points – what happened at the end made sense. But most people I know were frustrated with the timing, not what actually happened. War is tragic. The ending was appropriately tragic. But explaining how the timing sucked would be another topic.
Comment by sarah — January 10, 2010 @ 3:54 pm