A larger cover for Animorphs #8 has now been released via Amazon:
Sadly, no full Andalite version for Ax is available yet, but we’ll be sure to post it once it is. Animorphs #8: The Alien will be released in September 2012.
A larger cover for Animorphs #8 has now been released via Amazon:
Sadly, no full Andalite version for Ax is available yet, but we’ll be sure to post it once it is. Animorphs #8: The Alien will be released in September 2012.
The fight for the planet continues in this gripping installment — and the Animorphs must make an exacting choice.
The last time Rachel and her friends entered the giant Yeerk pool beneath their town things went very bad. This time they plan to be careful, and sneak in as roaches, just to spy. Once they’re inside, though, the team gets caught. But right as things are looking their most dire, everything stops. Everything. Then Rachel and the Animorphs hear a voice. It belongs to a very old, very powerful being, and it says it can save them. But if it does, the Earth will be defenseless.
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The next book in the series is Animorphs #8: The Alien, and it will be released September 2012. There are no details or confirmations regarding any relaunch releases past that. We’ll keep you updated as soon as we find out.
Good news for Animorphs #7: Scholastic released the book 2 days ago, a half month earlier than the official release date! If you pre-ordered, then they should already be in transit. If not, then expect them to be shipped to you soon!
In other news: I have updated Animorphs #5 with the full relaunch edits! A larger cover for Animorphs #7 has also been posted, and a few other relaunch pages have been updated with minor details as well.
Oh, and I gave the character profiles an update too (You can view them by clicking on the individual Animorphs on the header up top). I rewrote a couple of the profiles, fixed the parent details (there were many of you who told me about this, thank you), changed up the pictures, etc.
That covers everything for now. Until next time!
The long wait is finally over! Scholastic has officially released the relaunch cover for Animorphs #8: The Alien! Here it is with the full summary:
The Animorphs are back in this installment narrated by their newest member.
Ax is an Andalite, an alien, stranded on a strange planet he’s sworn to defend, even though it’s not his own. Since the Animorphs rescued him, he’s fought at their side, and in that time they’ve come to consider Ax a friend.
But deep inside, Ax knows he isn’t their friend. He can’t ever be. Andalites must always hold themselves apart, even from their allies. As the Animorphs’ past actions start resulting in deaths of innocent people, however, Ax’s loyalty is called into question. Now he must decide whether to reveal the reason for his estrangement — the shameful secret of his people.
Released: September 2012 | ISBN: 978-0545424158
The new cover has also been updated on our pre-order page. Once a higher resolution is available, we will make sure to update about that as well. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest Animorphs updates!
There is a lot of new info today, so lets get started:
K.A. Applegate is now officially on Twitter!
Follow her @KAAauthor.
Michael Grant (co-author/creator of Animorphs) is doing a ridiculous number of LIVE interviews on the radio today (March 1st). If any fan happens to record one of these interviews, then send ’em our way!
K.A and Michael are currently doing several school visits as well. Michael is primarily doing his book tour in the U.K, and has posted his schedule on Facebook. His first UK visit is on March 13th, 2012. U.S dates are currently unannounced.
Animorphs #6: The Capture is officially relaunched today in both lenticular paperback and ebook editions.
EVE AND ADAM is now available to pre-order! No official cover or summary yet, but the release date is set for October 2nd, 2012.
This will be the first book by both K.A and Michael since Remnants. The only detail we know about the book at this point is that it is a dark comedy with male (Michael) and female (Katherine) perspectives.
I think that covers everything for now. Be sure to follow both Michael and Katherine for any upcoming tour dates, as well as us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest info!
Really cool surprise today! Marlee Roberts (actress/singer) recently revealed that she is the Rachel cover model from the new relaunch books! She also gladly accepted to join us for a quick Q&A here at Hirac Delest. You can read the entire interview all right here:
Hi Marlee, welcome to Hirac Delest! It’s a pleasure to have you here!
Hey! Thanks for having me 🙂
Tell us a little bit about yourself: How did you get started in this business? What was your first professional role?
I started in the business when I was pretty young, about 4 or 5 years old. It’s been quite a long journey. The first acting gig I did was for an Orajel toothpaste commercial. All I had to do was run up to my actor-grandpa and smile into the camera, haha. It was fun and easy. After that, I made appearances on shows like “David Letterman” and “One Life to Live”. When I reached about 10 years old, I auditioned for a musical called “The American Girls Revue” and got in! I joined the cast as Kirsten, Kit, and Felicity playing the three roles for the next 4 years. I hadn’t had much singing experience before that so the show taught me all the basics. Pretty soon I was writing my own music and after the show closed, I started releasing my own original contemporary pop songs. Throughout all of this, I did a lot of print modeling for brands like Hanes, Walmart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Rose Art, and Scholastic!
It seems like you have a wide range of talents in singing, acting, directing, and now modeling. Do you have a preference of one over the other? What are some of your goals?
Everyone always asks me this! Honestly, I just love the industry. Whatever I do in the entertainment world, I have a great time doing it. Acting has always been my first love because it’s what I started out doing in the business. I also think you can apply acting to anything… when singing, writing, directing, modeling or even presenting a project in front of class at school, my acting experiences have always helped.
My main goal is to continue pursuing what I love. I feel so blessed to have been able to dip my feet into so many aspects of the industry and I could only hope to continue. To me, being an artist (no matter what kind) means reaching out to our society and making a difference in a way nothing else can. To share stories and open up the world to readers, viewers, or listeners is so fulfilling.
For Animorphs, how did you land the role of Rachel? It sounds like you were surprised and only recently found out about this yourself.
My agent called me up one day and said that I got a job. Just like that. He said that I was chosen off of his site because they thought I had the perfect look for Rachel.
I did the photoshoot a little over a year ago so I completely forgot about it! Then some of my friends discovered the site and it all came back to me. I got sooo excited because I wasn’t sure exactly how I was going to be morphed into a cat but there is something seriously awesome about watching your face morph into an animal. The new book covers are pretty sweet.
What was the photoshoot process like? Were there any special ‘morphing steps’ or stances you had to go through with animals or other cover models while there?
The photoshoot process was awesome. It was super quick, fun, and easy. Shortly after I arrived in the studio, we got right down to business. The photographer directed me to look fierce, directly into the camera. We tried some different looks and fierce poses and it went by real quick.
The shoot was on my first day of school and I went to the studio during my lunch break and was out in enough time to grab lunch and get back to class on time!
I didn’t get to meet any cover models although I’d like to meet my morphing friends 🙂
If you could morph into any animal, what would be your first choice? Last choice?
Hmnnn, this is hard. I think it would be cool to morph into a bird and be able to fly. Cats are pretty cool too because they can jump and climb and roll around all day. It seems as if their world is like an ever-changing obstacle course.
How familiar were you of Animorphs before this? Have you had a chance to see or read the new reprints?
Who hasn’t heard of Animorphs!? It’s a classic! I remember the books were such a big trend in elementary school. I haven’t read any of the reprints but I just got the new copy of “The Visitor”.
Rachel is a big favourite amongst fans, and is often nicknamed Xena: Warrior Princess. Is there a superhero or pop-culture icon that best describes your personality?
Ooohh good question! I have to say Rachel is pretty close to me. Shopping, good grades… all pretty important things.
What is your work philosophy? Any advice you would give to those aspiring to do professional work as well?
Never give up. To be successful, no matter what field you are in, takes A LOT of time and effort. But if you do what you love, then it’s never really “work”. It’s never easy but it doesn’t mean the journey can’t be fun.
Any future plans on returning as Rachel?
As part of the SAG book pals, I visit schools to get kids interested and involved in reading. I’m excited to share that I’ll be reading an excerpt of “The Visitor” for all the classrooms I visit this year. And now they can actually meet Rachel!
Very cool! Some of our fans are actually parents and teachers now. Any chance you have schedule or a list of schools you’re planning on visiting?
Generally, I visit schools in the Tri-State area. Parents, teachers, or schools can actually request a visitation via the contact form on my site.
Finally, is there any current or upcoming work we might catch you in?
Yeah! I just finished acting in two feature films: “The English Teacher” will be in theaters soon and “Spaz” premieres in August. This spring I’m also releasing a new EP of three original dance-pop songs. The first music video will be online next month. As far as filmmaking goes, I’m working on a bunch of new short films that will be available online after they run the film festival circuit.
All updates can be found on my site marleeroberts.com and fans can keep in touch through my facebook or twitter.
Thank you so much for your time! We’re looking forward to seeing you again in the future!
Thank you! It’s been a blast.
Marlee will also be returning as Rachel in Animorphs #7: The Stranger (June 2012). You can read more about the book in our relaunch book section, and pre-order it as well. Fans can also contact or follow Marlee at her:
Official Site: marleeroberts.com | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter
K.A. Applegate’s new book The One and Only Ivan has been released! The official website, theoneandonlyivan.com, has been launched with a new blog and video trailer (with a very haunting score, I might add). A Q&A with K.A on Publishers Weekly was also released, for those that missed it in our previous update.
The second new release for the month is Havoc by Jeff Sampson (the Animorphs Classic-Era Informer and Official Anibase author). The book is the second part in the Deviants YA trilogy. Since the summary is kind of spoiler-ish for those that haven’t read the first book, the new order and plot details can be found at jeffsampsonbooks.com.
Finally, we have some Relaunch news: The lenticular edition of Animorphs #8 is now available to pre-order via Amazon, and the links for it are up on our order page (see right). I have also updated the individual relaunch pages with the new official summary for #8, and a new official promo sheet for #7.
One last thing, because a lot of people have been asking: There has been no reveal yet regarding the new Ax cover for Animorphs #8, or news for Megamorphs #1, or any future relaunch books. Any future releases past #8 depend highly upon the sales figures for the books released so far, and whether Scholastic thinks they’re successful enough to continue being published. Rest assured that once there is any official confirmation, you will all know right here on Hirac Delest.
That’s all for now. Until next time!
Marco never wanted to be an Animorph. He didn’t want the ability to change into any animal he touches. And he certainly didn’t want to be one of a handful of kids that are the planet’s only defense against a secret alien army. His friends know why he feels the way he does. He’s worried about his dad — the only family Marco has left. If anything happens to him, his father will be alone. But something big is about to change for Marco. Something that could finally give him a reason to fight.
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The next book will be Animorphs #6: The Capture and it will be released March 01, 2012. Links are up on our order page. Also, if you haven’t already, then take a look at our update from yesterday. Scholastic has released a new writing contest along with Animorphs #5, with the grand prize of autographed Animorphs books from K.A. Applegate, and a Nintendo 3DS!
Scholastic has updated the Official Animorphs Website with a new writing contest for the relaunch! The grand prize? Animorphs #1-6 autographed by K.A Applegate, and a Nintendo 3DS! Here’s a quick look:
To enter the contest, submit an essay of 250 words or less answering the question: If you could choose one animal morph for yourself, which would it be and why?
Mail the entry with your name, age, address, phone, and email to:
Scholastic Inc.
Animorphs Writing Contest (Attn: W.S.)
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012Contest begins: December 1, 2011.
All entries must be received by March 1, 2012.Only one entry per person. Contest is open only to legal residents of the USA ages 8-14. The winner may also be asked to attend and participate in media or public relations events designated by Scholastic.
For full details, see scholastic.com/animorphs/contest/
Since the majority of the fans are likely to be too old to qualify for this, feel free to add your own entry in the comments and let us know anyway!
The Animorphs #4 relaunch edit list is now up on our Missions page. As with the previous three books, there some more updates to technology and pop-culture references that I think people will find interesting. If I’ve missed something in my re-read, then please do let me know!
Also, Animorphs #7 is now available to pre-order! The links are set up on our order page. A slightly larger version of the cover for #7 was also released via the 2011 Frankfurt Book Fair Rights Guide (see right). I have uploaded the PDF catalog, and posted the picture for it in it’s relaunch page.
In addition to this, I have also gone through all of the relaunch pages and taken away some of the clutter and added a few new things as well. Here are the new additions in today’s update:
Finally, Michael Grant (co-author/co-creator of Animorphs) recently posted on Facebook that Sony Pictures has acquired the movie licensing rights to his new and upcoming series, BZRK, for the Sam Raimi Company! This exclusive post was made by Deadline New York, and the article can be viewed here.
This is very surprising, and shows a great amount of confidence in the material, considering that the first book in the trilogy isn’t even going to be released until March 2012! A very big congrats to Michael Grant from us on this excellent news!
That’s all for now. Be sure to let me know of any edits or mistakes I may have missed, and I’ll get them fixed as soon as I can. Until next time!