Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Official ANIMORPHS.COM Website Update!


In case you missed our earlier post today, Scholastic published a press release about the relaunch of the Animorphs series, and also gave us a look at the morphing animation for Animorphs #1’s lenticular cover. To read the full news regarding that, go here: http://www.hiracdelest.com/blog/?p=1328

In the mean while, it looks like Scholastic is going ahead with one of its marketing plans and updating the Official Animorphs Website (The last update was back in 2001, when #54 and the Anibase were released).

Right now they only have a new banner (which is strangely featuring the old covers, when we have already confirmed the new ones), but I’m guessing that this is just a temporary sign to go up with the press release as they get a new design ready. Here are some pictures for the before and after:

OLD DESIGN (Last Updated 2001)

The official animorphs.com site design with the release of the final book.

NEW UPDATE (December 9th, 2010)

The new update to Animorphs.com, since 2001.

We’ll keep you informed on any further changes and updates made towards the Animorphs relaunch.

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:13 pm  

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Scholastic’s Press Release: “The Animorphs are back”. Animorphs #1 Lenticular Animation Revealed!


About an hour ago, Scholastic made an official press release for the Animorphs relaunch, and at the same time revealed the morphing animation for Animorphs #1’s Lenticular Cover! You can see the animation here: http://bit.ly/fSdVQp. (The animation is in flash, so if anyone is able to save a copy of it, either as a gif or avi, please email me!)

As for Scholastic’s press release, it highlights a new quote by K.A. Applegate:

“I am thrilled at the re-launch of Animorphs,” said K.A. Applegate. “Animorphs had far more impact on readers than I ever expected. Animorphs fan sites and works of fan fiction number in the thousands even today. Every library I visit has the old tattered copies, some now barely held together with glue and tape. So I’m very excited at the chance to retire those dog-eared old books, to ratify the enduring faith of the die-hard fans, and most of all, to reach a whole new generation of readers. The invasion is on, the Yeerks are everywhere, and the only ones who can stop them are the small band of kids with the power to become any living creature: the Animorphs are back.”

You can see the entire press release at: mediaroom.scholastic.com.

Most of the details in there are things we already know from the 2011 Library Webcast, however it now gives us an updated release date for Animorphs #4 and #5, which are now released in September and December 2011. So the new official release schedule (along with the ISBN) is as follows:

May 2011

Animorphs #1: The Invasion (ISBN: 978-0-545-29151-4)
Animorphs #2: The Visitor (ISBN: 978-0-545-29152-1)

July 2011

Animorphs #3: The Encounter (ISBN: 978-0-545-29153-8)

September 2011

Animorphs #4: The Message (ISBN: 978-0-545-29156-9)

December 2011

Animorphs #5: The Predator

That’s all for now, but be on the lookout for more news as Scholastic moves ahead with its marketing plans for next year. And be sure to let us know if you stumble across anything interesting!

Until next time!

UPDATE: I just found out that this is our 100th Blog Post on Hirac Delest! How awesome is that?! Makes this news post even better!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:37 pm  

Monday, November 22, 2010

Amazon’s New Cover Alterations for Animorphs


Amazon recently updated their product pages by posting covers for the new Animorphs books that are coming out May 2011. These covers have some slight new updates and alterations from what we have seen in the past, and I have gone ahead and posted the previous versions with these news ones in side to side comparisons. Go ahead and click them for a larger view:

Scholastic vs Amazon comparison of Animorphs #1: Lenticular Edition (Released May 1st, 2011)

Scholastic vs Amazon comparison of Animorphs #2: Lenticular Edition (Released May 1st, 2011)

From what I see so far: In #1, the border around the morphing box is gone to match the ‘glow’ that you see in #2. Also, both the cover model and the animal now seem to have a different pose. Whether this is still the same cover model from the previous version, still remains to be seen.

For #2, the most notable change is with the background. This is a good improvement, in my opinion, as everything blends a bit better with the DNA fingerprint/fur combo.

I have no idea which one is currently the final version of either book, and we likely won’t know this until we start seeing more advertisements from Scholastic promoting these books. The books are still 6 months away, so there is still plenty of wiggle room left if Scholastic wants to make any more future alterations. We’ll keep you posted if we find any more.

UPDATE: A quick look at the Scholastic Librarian Catalog for Animorphs #1 now proves that the Amazon cover was indeed the correct version. These new covers are definitely replacements for the previous versions we have seen.

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:48 pm  

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Animorphs #2: Lenticular Cover Revealed!


Remember when we posted the new lenticular cover for Animorphs #1 a few weeks ago? Well, I went back to the Ute Körner Literary Agent (our original source) to perform a little google-fu on there server, and I ended up with a nice little surprise! I found a file which led me to the rights section on Scholastic, which then led me to a PDF, giving us an exclusive look at the lenticular cover for Animorphs #2! It was posted along in combination with the cover for Animorphs #1. And as you can see from the pictures below, I went ahead and cropped it out of that for you guys as well.


Animorphs #2: The Visitor (May 1st, 2011).Scholastic's preview of Animorphs #1 & #2.


Based on what we’re seeing here, it looks like Animorphs #2 is following the same style as the first cover. Currently we are only seeing Rachel in mid-morph, but as previously mentioned with #1, you won’t see the full effects of these lenticular covers until you actually hold one in your hand. The animation is supposed to provide a transition from human to animal when you tilt them from side to side.

Also, it looks like the animal/tech skin layout is staying. Based on the covers for #1 & #2, it will likely change to whatever skin/fur/scales the featured animal on the cover has. This will hopefully be good news for those that weren’t fans of the first cover. It also looks like the animal choices for the covers are being taken directly from the first print of the series (ie. #1: Lizard, #2: Cat, etc, etc). So expect the same from the rest of the future reprints, with the exception of Megamorphs and Chronicles.

Animorphs #1 & #2 are set to be out together next year on May 1st, 2011, and the schedule for the following books are already planned for the next 2 years. Here they are:

Animorphs #03: The Encounter – July 2011
Animorphs #04: The Message – October 2011
Animorphs #05: The Predator – January 2012
Animorphs #06: The Capture – April 2012

Anyway, that’s all for now. The new cover has been updated in the pre-order page as well (on your right). Be sure to follow us on Facebook & Twitter to stay updated for future posts. We’ll let you know if anything else comes up. Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 7:15 pm  

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween 2010: Scholastic Staff’s Animorphs costume!


Looks like the staff over at Scholastic are just as excited as us for the upcoming reprint of the series. A number of staff members created a group costume that mimicked the step-by-step morphing process for the new cover!


At Scholastic's Halloween party, some staffers put together a clever group costume based on the covers of the Animorphs series of books. From left to right: Jenne Abramowitz, Anna Bloom, Abby McAden, AnnMarie Anderson, Becky Shapiro, Aimee Friedman, Amanda Maciel, Zack Clark, and Matt Ringler.


I really love this! Great group effort! You can see the original Scholastic Halloween Blog Post for more pictures. If any fans have Animorphs Halloween pics for this year too, then feel free to to pass them along to us as well! (You can see the ones from last year here and here.)

posted by Hirac Delest at 2:27 pm  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Animorphs Pre-Orders now available in Canada!


Finally some good news for our Canadian fans (i.e. ME). Animorphs #1 & #2 (Lenticular Editions) are now available to pre-order on Amazon.ca for $7.99.

And because we might soon be getting pre-order availabilities in other countries, I’ve created a separate page on this blog that will have all of the pre-order links in there. Take a look on your right, under ‘Buy Animorphs Books‘ for the full info.

We’ll keep you updated as more countries are available.

posted by Hirac Delest at 2:00 pm  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Scholastic’s Animorphs Preview Webcast now Online!


Following up from our previous post, you can now watch the entire webcast by going to the Scholastic Librarian Preview website and clicking “Watch Replay”. The entire thing is about an hour long, so if you want to skip directly to the Animorphs bit, scroll down to the 36:20 mark to see David Levithan talk about the series.

Update: Major thanks to Kyle Maloney (who commented below) for the quick overnight delivery of this video! You can now watch the entire Animorphs portion of the Scholastic webcast in the video above. Heck, go ahead and even watch it on his Youtube page so that he gets the views, and click ‘Like’!

More importantly, be sure to spread the word! New fans, old fans, and even readers who you think might be interested in Animorphs. Share the video, share HiracDelest.com. Animorphs is out next year!

At this point, we have no way of embedding or saving the video for our own site. However, I’ll do my best to see if I can collect it for our video section before Scholastic replaces it with their next webcast in April. (If anyone knows the best way to do this, then feel free to contact me. Either by email, Facebook, or Twitter). Also, if anyone wants to transcribe the video for me, then feel free to do so, and I’ll add it along with the video!

That’s all for now. More coming soon!

posted by Hirac Delest at 9:42 pm  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Animorphs LIVE on Scholastic’s Spring Preview Webcast!


Wow, lots of news recently! For those that missed it, Animorphs got a dedicated time slot in the Scholastic Spring 2011 LIVE Preview Webcast today, and the Animorphs segment portion of it was presented by David Levithan (V.P. Editorial Director of Scholastic). The live webcast is now officially over, but will soon be available to watch on Scholastic again (No idea when exactly, but we’ll make a new post as soon as it does!)

Update: Just received word that it will be available 6pm ET on Wednesday, October 20. We’ll post the link once it’s available!

In the mean while though, here are a few pictures that I quickly snapped while it was being talked about:

David Levithan (V.P. Editorial Director of Scholastic) presents Animorphs #1. Re-releasing with lenticular morphing covers May 1st, 2011!

David Levithan (V.P. Editorial Director of Scholastic) presents Animorphs #1. Re-releasing with lenticular morphing covers May 1st, 2011!David Levithan (V.P. Editorial Director of Scholastic) shows his own morphing effects!

I didn’t get a chance to listen to everything, but Mr. Levithan was talking about the relaunch of the series from the 90s, and how it would work for audiences today. The snapshots I took also officially confirms the Animorphs #1 book cover that we posted recently. (And in case anyone is wondering about the 3rd pic, it’s him trying to re-enact the morphing pose, from himself to a moose, lol. He was doing this because he mentioned that they couldn’t show the full animation effects for the lenticular morphing online.)

Going along with that, Scholastic is also planning a full on assault with marketing plans for the re-release. The first book is already in their Online Catalog, with a Summer Series Ad PDF that finally displays the full before-and-after of the first cover! Behold, our new Jake model for Animorphs!

The NEW Jake from the Animorphs #1 Re-Release!

Set within the catalog, there is also a 12-Copy Mixed Floor Display item available for retailers, which will hold both Animorphs #1 & 2, but no pictures are available for it yet.

Lastly, here are also some marketing plans of what Scholastic intends to do with upcoming relaunch of the series:

Marketing Plans

Over 35 million copies of the original series in print!

  • 100,000-copy announced first print
  • National media campaign
  • Select author appearances
  • Major advertising campaign, including:
    • In-theater advertising in select markets
  • Online advertising linking to special content on Animorphs website www.scholastic.com/animorphs update, including:
    • Games & Video
    • Summer camp sampling
    • Outreach to Animorphs fan sites

Quotes / Reviews

Praise for Animorphs

“Engaging… impressive.” –School Library Journal

“There’s clearly something about Animorphs that has kept kids enthralled.” –Publisher’s Weekly

I think that’s everything for now. Expect more updates soon! Lots of things are coming up, and we’ll try to stay on top of it all to keep you fully updated!

posted by Hirac Delest at 3:18 pm  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Animorphs #1 & #2 available to Pre-Order on Amazon!


Animorphs #1: The Invasion, and Animorphs #2: The Visitor are now both listed on Amazon.com and are available to pre-order! Both are priced at $6.99 (US) and will be available in paperback. Here is a brief product description provided by Amazon for Animorphs #1:

The wildly popular series by K.A. Applegate is back! The first six books of Animorphs return, with striking new lenticular covers that morph.

The Earth is being invaded, but no one knows about it. When Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco stumble upon a downed alien spaceship and its dying pilot, they’re given an incredible power — they can transform into any animal they touch. With it, they become Animorphs, the unlikely champions in a secret war for the planet. And the enemies they’re fighting could be anyone, even the people closest to them. So begins K.A. Applegate’s epic series about five normal kids with a limitless amount of forms and abilities.

Interesting thing to note about the wording from the description above: It says that only the first six books are returning with new covers. If we refer this back to our previous post, it seems as though that they really are the only ones confirmed to be re-released at this point (Not the entire series, as previously believed).

My guess is that more of the series will reprinted once Scholastic has taken a look at the sales figures behind these releases. We have no idea what their plans are after that, but we can assume that they are going to continue re-releasing them if enough people are still buying them.

Aside from that, nothing else is new. Pre-order links are posted below (please use them from here if you can). We’ll be sure to keep you updated if anything else comes up!


Pre-Order Animorphs #1: The Invasion (Lenticular Edition)
Release Date: May 1st, 2011

Pre-Order Animorphs #2: The Visitor (Lenticular Edition)
Release Date: May 1st, 2011


**You can help support Hirac Delest if you pre-order from the links above. You will NOT be charged anything extra for doing this! All it will do is add in Hirac Delest as a referral for your transaction(s). In return, Amazon will give us a tiny percentage of your sale, which will then go entirely towards paying for the hosting and domain fees for this fan site, keeping us online and running ad-free. Doing us this small favour would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:31 am  

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Animorphs #1: Re-Release Edition, Cover Revealed!


Animorphs #1: The Invasion (Re-Release Edition, 2011)A big credit to RAF‘s Magdaleen, who posted a sneak peek at the upcoming cover of the 2011 Re-Release Edition of Animorphs #1: The Invasion! (see right).

As most of you know from our previous posts, the new covers are supposed to be lenticular, meaning that they will transform and change right before your very eyes. So the image that you currently see is only a still of what is to be an animated version. It’s also very possible that this isn’t the final version, as the release date for the book isn’t for another 7 months.

As for the source, the image itself was found on the Ute Körner Literary Agent site, which also included an entire page blurb about the relaunching of the franchise. Here it is:

Scholastic will re-launch the internationally bestselling Animorphs series in Summer 2011, starting with a six-book arc. In its heyday, the Animorphs series sold over 20 million copies worldwide and was translated in 26 languages and was turned into a popular Nickelodeon TV show.

For the re-launch, Scholastic has updated the covers to give them a fresh, modern look: in keeping with the eye-catching nature of the original covers, the new books will make use of morphing lenticulars: the characters transform right on the covers.

An updated look gives the series new vitality for a new generation of readers.

Animorphs is sci-fi at its best: fast-paced, thought-provoking, and a lot of fun.

The page also has a downloadable PDF which contains the above blurb, along with the release dates for the rest of the books! This is the schedule that we are currently looking at:

Animorphs #01: The Invasion – May 2011
Animorphs #02: The Visitor – May 2011
Animorphs #03: The Encounter – July 2011
Animorphs #04: The Message – October 2011
Animorphs #05: The Predator – January 2012
Animorphs #06: The Capture – April 2012

Out of all of this though, the biggest surprise about this page is the fact that you can currently also ORDER a reading copy of this re-release! (However, that seems to only be available to those who have the proper publishing credentials to do so).

Lastly, there is also a heavy emphasis on the fact that Animorphs has been published in 26 languages. At the moment, we have nothing confirmed regarding translations in other countries, but we’ll be sure to keep an eye out for that info for our international fans!

That is everything new that we have learned at this point. However, there is one piece still missing, and that is the animated version of this cover. The PDF that contains the cover talks about an animated gif being attached, but it can’t be found anywhere! If anyone happens to stumble upon it, then please do email us ASAP! We’d love to take a look at this thing in action!

That’s all for now, we’ll be sure to post more info as we receive it. And again, another big big credit and thanks to Magdaleen for finding this!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:30 pm  
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