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Status Report

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Animorphs Series – in 10 Minutes


Here’s a great fan made summary of the Animorphs series by Expression. It includes original artwork, explaining every single Animorphs book in all of 10 minutes. The video is broken into two parts. Here is Part 1:


Go here for Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUo-ZhLEI0s

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:28 pm  

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Animorphs Religion Prank


Some fans are just really excited for the upcoming re-release of Animorphs. So excited, in fact, that they’ve created their own religion and have gone out to preach door-to-door for their new ‘Society of Animorphs’.

This one gave me a really good laugh. Kudos to the ‘preacher’ for keeping a straight face throughout the entire thing. Check it out:


posted by Hirac Delest at 12:10 am  

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

K.A. Applegate & Michael Grant Q&As – UPDATED.


An update from our previous post, K.A & Michael have now also joined AFF (The Animorphs Fan Forum), along with RAF, to answer questions from the fans.

The same rules apply on AFF as they do on RAF. Members have to send their questions to the staff before they are approved to be submitted to K.A & Michael. This is done to avoid any repeated questions from previous Q&As. Here are the updated links and details for both forums:

There’s also still the Facebook Group set up specially for Michael Grant’s Gone series, for those who are fans of that. Michael Grant is still regularly answering questions there.

Lastly, as a way to keep all of these Q&As organized and documented (this is still an archive site, remember?), I updated the Articles section with the original RAF Classic Q&A that was held back in 2008 (It’s the one that holds that infamous response to that Animorphs movie we’ll never ever see, sadly).

As for the current Q&As, I won’t document or archive them until they are fully finished. In the mean while though, do check them out if you haven’t already. There are some great answers posted on both forums. In RAF, K.A. & Michael are even asking fans on their thoughts of a possible re-release for Animorphs in a monthly ebook form. So definitely share your opinions on this. You can bet that both K.A & Michael are reading, and that they are very interested in their fans responses.

That’s all for now. Until next time! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:14 am  

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Animorphs Parody by Box of Danger


Thanks to capnnerefir for passing this along to me on our forum, here is a new fan made Animorphs Parody by Box of Danger. I just watched it, and I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s very very funny. Even if you hate the TV show (and I suppose, especially if you hate the TV show), give it a watch. It’s worth it, in my opinion.

Though, before I do unleash the video, I also want to give out a slight language warning to the younger viewers out there. It’s nothing overly offensive, but I know that some parents also frequently visit this site as well, so I thought I’d pass along a fair warning before hand.


posted by Hirac Delest at 8:38 pm  

Monday, February 22, 2010

Andalite Mini-Munny! (For Sale?)


Here’s another awesome bit of fan art. A poster named BananaFairy from the Animorphs LiveJournal Community recently posted her own custom made Andalite Mini-Munny to share with the rest of us.

Not only that, but she’s also considering selling this to the fans. No details are set yet, but I believe it’s going to be sold in auction on eBay. Follow the link and let her know there if you’re interested. I’ve also included these pics in the Fan Art section and linked to her DeviantArt on that page.

posted by Hirac Delest at 5:28 pm  

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First 6 Chapters of ‘LIES’ released!


Michael Grant has informed fans, via Facebook, that the first 6 chapters of LIES (Gone #3) have been published for free online at Pensive Sarcasm.

Read the first 6 Chapters of LIES here!

Also, in relation to this, I have noticed that there has been a lot of discussion about the Gone series in general here on the blog (see right side under recent comments), so I’ve decided to create a separate section and category on the Hirac Delest Community Forums to talk specifically about the Gone series. Simply click on ‘Community’ in the header above and sign up at the forum. (Registration is free and only takes a few minutes).

Registered members of Hirac Delest also get special privileges to the Downloads Section at the forum (some of the content which is unavailable at the site, and invisible to those who are only guests).

That about covers it for now. More updates coming soon.

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:47 pm  

Sunday, January 31, 2010

K.A. Applegate & Michael Grant Q&As


Richard, site owner of RAF, recently posted an update to let fans know that K.A. Applegate and Michael Grant are coming back to answer questions from fans on the forums! The Q&A is going to be working a little differently this time though. Instead of everyone rushing in and overwhelming the duo, Richard is asking posters to send in questions directly to him instead. This will get rid of any well known FAQs, or duplicates that the fans asked last time.

Also, for any Gone fans out there, there is a separate group on Facebook where Michael Grant has begun answering questions on a weekly basis.

Lastly, you can now also follow us on Twitter! Our Twitter account is @hiracdelestnews. Follow us to get the latest updates, like this one, tweeted directly to you! You can also join our Facebook Fan Page to get the same benefit. Everything has been updated on the right side of the blog!

That’s all for now, until next time! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:25 pm  

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Amazing Fan-Made Sculptures!


Bob Lippman, a freelance sculptor, has shared a few pictures of his amazing fan-made sculptures with us. Both him and his 9 year old son are Animorph fans who began reading the series together a little over 2 years ago. The 2 sculptures (one Dak Hamee from HBC, and the other Visser Three, from Visser) are currently work-in-progress projects as a part of his hobby.

However, he wishes to share the progress along with rest of us as they are being made. Below is one snap shot featuring both sculptures. If you click on it, you’ll see more photos in his fan art page, which I’ve added to the site under the Projects section.

Bob hopes to eventually make these for any collectors who may be interested, but more importantly, he wishes to send at least one set to K.A. Applegate as a thanks for making the series.

Amazing work Bob, we look forward to the final product!

posted by Hirac Delest at 7:05 pm  

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fan-Made Movie Trailer & Other Videos


So I stumbled across this awesome fan-made trailer for an Animorphs movie on Youtube today, and I just had to share it with you guys. I could’ve done without 1 or 2 of the obvious clips, but otherwise it was very well done. Check it out in the video above!

(Shameless Plug: And while you’re at it, if you haven’t seen my Animorphs 300 Trailer video yet, then watch that too! I posted about it a little while back on this blog as well. 😉 )

Also, while we’re still on fan videos, there’s another fan who has made a few videos using the Spore game, where they’ve recreated the battle on the Hork-Bajir Homeworld using their Hork-Bajir, Andalite, and Taxxon models. See it here (unfortunately the embedding is disabled for it, so I’m not able to post the actual video here).

That’s all for now! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:06 pm  

Friday, January 8, 2010

eHow: How to detect Andalites and Controllers


Two Articles have been posted up on eHow by A.M. Trent, “How to Detect a Human Controller” and “How to Detect an Andalite“. I believe these two are going to be part of a series of articles that will be posted on there by her. They’re both amusing and educational, so check ’em out. 😉

I also have another article to share by Enreeco, who is Defending K.A. on “Why the ending of Animorphs was everything it should have been“. Check it out in the Projects section. Both his, and the links to the eHow articles have been posted in there.

Lastly, there is also some new fan fiction by Capnnerefir, who wanted to share us his link for Neomorphs. You can find it on the same page as well.

That’s all for now. If you’ve sent some submissions along my way, don’t worry, I’m going through them as fast I can. Until next time! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:39 pm  
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