Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Song & Fan Submissions


Hello all. There’s a new song called “Private Offender” from the TV show that is now posted in the Music & Soundtracks page. As always, you can listen to it streamed or download it directly to your computer.

For fan submissions, we have 2 Memorable Quotes, thanks to Cassie and JRTCMA. We also have a new Animorphs Fan Trailer from Visser2Azula, as well as my 2 previous videos (Animorphs 300 and Animorphs Animated) which have now been added to my video page too.

We also have 4 Fan Album Covers by Stretch:

  Memoriam Idiot Teenagers with a Death Wish

Lastly, I’ve fixed up the layout of the Projects section, as well as all of the individual pages for Fan Art and Fan Fiction. They include a new disclaimer at the end of every one of those pages now.

For any more submissions, please get a hold of me as you normally do.

That’s all for now. Until next time!


posted by Hirac Delest at 5:49 pm  

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Animorphs Animated!



This was created for my Flash Graphics class a little while back. It’s the first time I’ve used Flash to make any sort of animation, so obviously I chose Animorphs as my first project to inspire me.

This little short is purposely done in black & white. The style was inspired by several other fandoms, such as Frank Miller’s artwork from ‘Sin City’ and the simplistic figures from Pixar’s ‘Incredibles’ credit shorts.

I know that many Animorph fans often wondered what Animorphs would be like as a cartoon, which is why I made this 3 minute animation as a sort of promo trailer in my mind, something that MIGHT be submitted, someday, to be pitched for an actual Animorphs animated show. Of course, this is purely a fan project (which I got course credit for making), so I’m just glad I got the opportunity to finally work on it. It’s something that I’ve been itching to make for a while now.

So please sit down, enjoy, and comment below to let me know what you think!

Click here to start Animorphs Animated.


Watch it on Youtube (The quality isn’t that great here)


posted by Hirac Delest at 10:54 am  

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Animorphs 300 Trailer


Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Xo7weys6M


This is unrelated to the archive. I got the sudden inspiration to make this after seeing mock trailers for Halo and Scrubs with the 300 movie audio over them on youtube. It took me over the span of 3 days to make this. I know most people hated the Animorphs show, but give this a shot. If you liked my previous music video, then I’m sure this will not disappoint.

Also, please rate the video, and let me know what you think!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:34 am  

Saturday, January 3, 2009

30 New Japanese Illustrations!


Thanks to Mirienne and Dameg, we now have 30 new Japanese illustration scans that were printed in the Japanese Animorph books! Here are a couple of my favourites:



The rest can be viewed here, in International Books under the Merchandise Database.

Aside from that, all of subpages in the Merchandise section also went through some minor cosmetic changes to make everything uniform. I’ll be sure to get to more fan submissions on my next update. 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 7:54 pm  

Thursday, November 13, 2008



I recently got a hold of an old issue of Cracked Magazine (Issue #339) that had a parody of Animorphs in it, entitled ‘Animorons’. I didn’t really find it funny, but it’s up in the Articles & Interviews section regardless. Here are the scans for the pages:




Also, thanks to Dan, I’ve added two more articles in the Database as well. Both of them are of Michael Grant’s new book series ‘Gone’. So I’ve created a new sub section for all future Non-Animorphs related news to be placed in there. Both of them are posted in the Articles & Interviews section too.

posted by Hirac Delest at 2:58 pm  

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Music, fan submissions, and updated FAQ


Thanks to TTH, and the great Animorphs LiveJournal Community, we now have 2 more songs from the Animorphs TV show in the Music and Soundtracks page. As usual, they can both be downloaded or streamed here on the site. They are:


Eden White’s “Song Unsung”
From Jake & Tom’s phone convo in “The Capture” Part 2

Poe – “Fly Away”
From Tobias’s first flight in “Tobias” (heh).


A few more fan submissions have also been updated (sorry for the delay). They include: 2 new Memorable Quotes from Amy; 1 new Music Video from Visser2Azula; and 1 new wallpaper in the Image Gallery by Slayer XY.

Speaking of Slayer XY, I want to give a major thanks out to him right now. He emailed me a little while back and gave me the requested inside covers in High Quality, and not only for the ones that we needed in better quality, but he went through and gave me ALL of the inside covers along with them anyway. Awesome stuff. Thanks Slayer XY for the incredible effort, and to everyone else who I know did a lot out of their way for providing me the inside covers also. I’ll be sure to give every one of you proper credit once the book section is up, which, yes, will be completed sometime this decade (Hey, it’s a LOT to go through with 50+ Animorph books!).

Lastly, I have updated the FAQ and the Help Wanted sections on the Support Page. The FAQ has a new entry for those that are interested in knowing about the Animorphs movie. I get several emails asking me the same question over and over, so instead of repeating myself constantly, I thought it’d be best if I created an answer to it on here.

I still have some more stuff piling up for me to add onto this site (as always), but that’s all I can do for now at the moment. Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 9:29 am  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shattered Reality (PSX) Game Soundtrack


Thanks to the fans from the Animorphs Live Journal Community, Galbadia Hotel has posted all of the music from the Animorphs Shattered Reality PSX Game (which in my opinion was really one of the strong points in the game.)

The Soundtrack comes to a total of 27 tracks and has been updated on the Music & Soundtracks page in the Downloads section.

I’ve also changed a few things on that page, and have now provided a entire playlist for the PSX soundtrack, so you can all stream and hear it right away on your browser. There is also a download link available if you’d rather save all the tracks at once.

Enjoy! 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:55 pm  

Friday, September 19, 2008

Animorphs Answering Machine, Yeerk Online Dating Service, and more Fan Projects


Some more new things for today. The Audio Clips section in Downloads has been fixed. I know some people were having problems with it when I first released it, so I re-encoded everything so that it would work well no matter what browser you used now (IE, Firefox, etc). If something is still off or not working on that page, then please let me know by emailing me or by posting below.

Also, we’ve got a bunch of new items today for the Fan Projects section:

Fan Art: Check out some awesome drawings from Monster Man, with a total of 8 pieces. Visser Three is known for many vicious and unusual morphs for hunting down the Animorphs in the series, and Monster Man has gone through and drawn most of them in here. Go ahead and take a look. I think you’ll like ’em.

Video: Visser2Azula has another great video for us: Jake’s Tribute.

Multimedia: Two new interesting things here. Both of these are from RAF, and once I saw them, I just had to ask the creators to see if they would want to share it with us. I’m glad they agreed.

Check out a Yeerk Online Host Compatibility Dating mock webpage called InfestRight made by Pez001, and an Animorphs Phone Answering Machine sound clip by Toominator (It has been posted in the audio clips page as well).

I personally think both of these are absolutely hilarious and creative. Hopefully you all enjoy them as much as I did.

Lastly, we’ve got a bunch of great new Quotes added in from you guys, so check those out, and be sure to send more of your favourites our way.

That about covers it for now. Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:17 am  

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Sections Created & New Music Added


Hello and welcome! There were some new changes made to the site today. If you take a look up, you’ll notice that the menu has gotten a bit bigger. That’s because there are two new sections: Downloads and Support. (If you don’t see them, then that’s most likely because your browser hasn’t updated yet. Hit refresh or reload, or just restart the browser altogether.)

I spent much of my time reorganizing the site today and yesterday. It has been a slow frustrating process, but I think it’s going to work out for the best for the archive. Hirac Delest is growing more and more, so it’s only natural to keep up with the changes and expand further so that everything doesn’t get completely lost in the shuffle, which is why I felt we needed to add a new Downloads section, rather than keeping it squeezed in the Database.

The new Downloads section will have all of the original things (music, videos, screensavers, etc), except now they’re better organized in their subpages, rather than being shoved all into one page. Also, while moving the pages, I did add a few new things, such as new Music from the TV show. Four new songs to be exact.

These are the tunes and songs that you’d hear in the backgrounds of the episodes. It took me a while to find them for this site, so please do check it out (My favourite is probably “For You” and the Staredown tune from “Not My Problem”). The audio section got a new Brooke (Rachel) & Nadia (Cassie) interview, as well as some new sound clips from the tv show. Be sure to have a listen to them too.

Also, every music, audio, and video page will have streaming controls now, meaning that you can watch and listen to the file right then and there. Don’t worry though, you can still download them as usual by just following this icon:

Lastly, the new Support section is something I had to separate for itself as well, because it’s apparent how important that is to everyone who comes here. A lot of people are contributing a ton of things to this site all the time, so this is a better way to keep track of things specifically for that.

The Story part of the website merged with a few things from the previous About section, because it just made sense to put it there. I’m planning on adding other things like profiles for K.A. Applegate and David B. Mattingly on that part of the site soon. I’m surprised I didn’t do it sooner.

Anyways, that about covers it for now. The Header and Menu up there got a few design changes too, while I moved things around. Take a look around. Try out all the streaming features with the music and videos. Hopefully they’ll make things look better and give a much more enjoyable experience to you all now. Any feedback on this would be much appreciated.

Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:46 am  
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