Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Monday, June 7, 2010

Animorphs Re-Release – Confirmed for Summer 2011!


Michael Grant (co-author/co-creator) of Animorphs contacted me yesterday with a quick update regarding the Animorphs Classic re-release:

It’s official: Animorphs books will be re-released with the first 2 coming in summer of 2011. They will have lenticular covers. (Look it up: we had to.)

Lenticular covers basically means that they will be 3D and/or animated. You may have seen examples of this already on various products or DVD releases throughout the years. I’m guessing that Scholastic will most likely use the current covers we have and add a morphing animation to them (much similar to the morphing cards that we got with the Invasion Board Game). But this is entirely speculation on my part, so we’ll have to see where they go from here.

Anyways, that’s it for now! I’ll post more details regarding those 2 summer book releases as they come.

posted by Hirac Delest at 10:57 am  

Monday, May 3, 2010

Support Hirac Delest via Amazon!


You can now support Hirac Delest through the Amazon Associate’s Program! Following up from our previous post, if you haven’t purchased any of the upcoming books, but plan to, then please use the following links! Each time you purchase from these specific links, Amazon gives us a small percentage of your sale back towards this site. This money then goes entirely towards the hosting & domain payments of Hirac Delest.

We hardly make enough to profit from this (approx 4-6% per sale), but every little bit helps in making sure that this archive stays online and ad-free. It’s a great way to support us if you’re already going to be ordering the books anyway. Thank you for your continued support to Hirac Delest for the last two years that we’ve been online. It’s greatly appreciated!






posted by Hirac Delest at 12:31 pm  

Monday, December 14, 2009

‘Animorphs Classic’ Re-Release Confirmed!


Looks like after we posted our previous bit of news, fans from both the Animorphs LiveJournal and RAF communities asked Michael Grant (co-author/co-creator of Animorphs) if the rumor of the re-release was true.

The answer, is YES. The re-release is definitely happening! Michael Grant confirmed this via his Twitter account. I’ve compiled all of his responses so far in the image below:

So to sum up and update upon our previous post:

1. Yes, the re-release is happening. It is no longer a rumor.

2. There WILL be new covers. Our Scholastic source told us that they are going to be “lenticular”. We’re assuming this means that they will be 3D covers that morph from one image to another when they are tilted.

You may have already seen examples of this in a variety of products, everything from trading cards to dvd covers. (Those that have the Animorphs Invasion Board Game will have a better example, as they came with a deck of morphing holographic lenticular cards for all the Animorphs. We’re guessing that the new covers could be similar to that).

3. The release date is now no longer 2012, but is estimated to be 1 year from now, so somewhere around late 2010 to 2011.

4. The re-release is still being used by Scholastic as a way to test out the market, and see if a brand new ‘Animorphs 2.0’ series will be profitable enough to invest into. They will be looking at both the sales and fan reception once the books are re-released.

5. Editorial changes to KASUs and continuity errors are still unconfirmed, and so are the packaging details (whether the books will be sold in volumes, or individually as they originally were).

More updates to come as we hear them here at Hirac Delest. 😀


Edit: Thanks to wildweathel for correcting us on the proper term for the covers. I’ve made the appropriate changes to that above.

posted by Hirac Delest at 3:31 pm  

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mission (Book) Database & All Inside Covers Released!


IT. IS. DONE! It took nearly 2 years to collect, assemble, and finish, but it’s done. It’s finally ready. The full Mission (Book) Database for Hirac Delest is officially online! Click the link up on the header, or go directly there.

Once you’re in there, you will notice that these aren’t just any regular old book pages, but the complete and definite pages for all Animorph books. They include:

  • ALL Front U.S, International, and Inside Covers (submitted by many of the visitors here at Hirac Delest);
  • eBooks (courtesy of RAF, and all of it’s amazing contributors);
  • Trivia (written by me, but also mostly by Jeff, who wrote the official Anibase), as well as Terms, Species, Morphs, Characters, and Promotional Items (Avatars, Screensavers, Videos, etc).

Basically, if there’s something relevant to note about a certain Animorphs book, you can expect to find info for it within these pages! I’ve spent a lot of time creating this part of the site– editing, coding, assembling all the data and info, to make sure that it’s good and ready for the archive.

I also, of course, want to individually thank all of the contributors who submitted the inside covers, pictures, and scans for these individual pages here at Hirac Delest. They include: Ryan S, Slayer XY, Neo X, Raevyn, Foamy, Monster, Gloria, Michael, Liz, and Sat. Many apologies if I left anyone out, but I do greatly appreciate the amount of personal time and effort every one of you has given me to make sure that I could complete this archive. Also a major thanks to Jeff, who not only wrote most of the official Anibase, but also provided much of the behind-the-scenes insight to the series. I’ve made sure to clearly credit and label everything that has come directly from the Anibase (especially in the trivia, terms, and characters). Everything else has been written by me.

That about sums it up. Please let me know of what you think! Also, since I did assemble all these pages solo, please let me know if you catch any errors or mistakes on these pages. I did my best to make sure that there are none on there, but if you do find some, I would appreciate them pointed out so that I could fix them quickly. At the same time, if you wish to submit something for these pages, just go ahead and do it the way you guys normally do (email, message board, etc) and I’ll be sure to add it in.

This update itself has been a long time coming, and I’m very excited to finally have it up, so I hope you all enjoy this collective nostalgic geek-out as much as I do. Until next time! 😀


posted by Hirac Delest at 10:55 am  

Saturday, June 27, 2009

2 Years running, Happy Anniversary!


Today is Hirac Delest’s 2 Year Anniversary! I’m surprised at how fast the time has flown by, and by the fact that the site has successfully still been around for as long as it has. I just wanted to take the time and thank you, all of you, for the great amount of support that you’ve shown for this project and this site over the last two years.

It honestly has received a lot more praise, attention, and dedication than what I had originally expected when I first started this project, so thank you. The last 2 great years have been a great pleasure for me, to work and interact with the fanbase that is still very much active all around the world, we’ve certainly accomplished a lot during that time, and I’m looking forward to the many more years to come.

I do have something special set aside for today’s occasion, an insanely huge update that I want to share with you. However, I wanna make sure it’s all set and ready to go without any problems, so stay tuned for another update coming soon. 🙂


posted by Hirac Delest at 4:08 pm  

Friday, September 19, 2008

All Inside Covers Collected!


Thanks to Raevyn, we now have the last missing inside cover: #42! I have reflected this change onto the Support page, and am now working on arranging for all of covers to viewed in the gallery section for a future update. At the same time, I’m also still working on the book section so that they have their rightful place on the site.

However, saying this, I’m still looking for a better picture of the inside covers #40, 42, and 43. The reason behind this is that these were all taken with a digital camera, so the quality is decent, but not on par with the rest of the covers. If you can provide me direct scans, then this would be much appreciated.

Please contact me as usual (email, form, or reply right below to this post, remembering to a leave a way for me to contact you back.)

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:21 am  

Monday, August 4, 2008

Animation from David B. Mattingly


Does everyone here remember David B. Mattingly? He’s the artist who made all of those great morphing covers on the Animorph books. Anyway, he posted a video on Youtube showing off some of the morphs from the covers in animation! Some of them are newly animated and unseen before now! Check it out below!

Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoEABlcwDZ8

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:51 pm  

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



The time has come to give Hirac Delest a real domain. Starting from today you can all access the website through www.hiracdelest.com

I figured that since this website has grown and proven popular enough over the last year, that it deserved its own address, rather than as a long subdomain instead.

If for some reason the website doesn’t work for you with the www.hiracdelest.com address, then please let me know immediately. You may have to hit refresh or reload on your browser since it’s new, but it should work. (Although if you’re seeing this, then it’s working! :p)

I’ve transferred everything over from the old domain, but incase I’ve missed something (i.e. if a page is missing or if something isn’t loading properly) then please let me know, or comment below.

Please update your bookmarks, and welcome to hiracdelest.com

Thank you 🙂

posted by Hirac Delest at 8:17 pm  
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