Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Thursday, April 28, 2011

K.A. Applegate AMA on Reddit!


Michael Grant has informed me that there is an official AMA (ask me anything) thread going on at Reddit by K.A. Applegate. She even posted a picture (see right) to remove any doubt of her being an imposter. You can check out the thread at reddit.com and ask any questions you wish there.

Along with this, I also want to follow up from our previous update and remind everyone again about K.A. Applegate’s First Ever Autograph Sessions! These are happening in 2 days, so here are the details again:

L.A. Times: Festival of Books

Saturday, April 30, 2011
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Scholastic/Diesel Booth #524

Saturday, April 30, 2011
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
CM School Supplies Booth #546

See: Full Autograph Details, and Official Program Schedule

Lastly, I have also gone ahead and updated the Support section of the site. I have been receiving repeats of many questions regarding the relaunch, so I thought it was time to devote a part of the site specifically for FAQs. Feel free to pass these along to those who are still yet unaware of the relaunch!

I have also branched off the Help Wanted part into its own page, and have now updated what we are looking for. Not everything is listed, of course, but the main idea is still that if you have something that we don’t already have, then send it to us!

That’s everything for now, but be on the look out for another update soon!

posted by Hirac Delest at 10:30 pm  

Friday, April 22, 2011

Animorphs #1: Official Relaunch eBook (Kindle & Nook!)


Thanks to Janice, who commented on our previous post, we now know that the Animorphs #1 (Relaunch Edition) has officially been released as an eBook! Scholastic has released it for both on the Amazon Kindle, and on the Barnes & Noble Nook. Both are priced at $5.59 U.S (at a 20% discount from the paperback version of $6.99 U.S.) Here are the links:



So far this is only being done for Animorphs #1: The Invasion. We’re assuming that Animorphs #2: The Visitor will also soon be out as an ebook, or that the release of it will depend on sales for the first book. Either way, we’ll be sure to keep an eye out and let you know if anything happens.

As always, fans can email us for the latest news, as well as follow us for the latest updates on our Facebook and Twitter. Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 2:58 pm  

Monday, April 18, 2011



Following up from our post earlier today, I went down to my local Chapters Indigo Bookstore and was able to pick up my own copies of Animorphs #1 & 2!


So yes folks, this isn’t just a one store thing. It looks like Chapters is releasing the books two weeks in advance! My store only had 5 of each on their shelves, so grab them while you can (stock may vary between stores).

Major thanks to Tobias Mason Park for bringing this to our attention!

UPDATE: For those who are interested, I have now read the first book and reviewed it on my GoodReads. A warning to old fans— the review gives away slight spoilers to the changes in the book, so if you’d rather not know anything at all, then don’t read it! The review can be found here.

UPDATE #2: Amazon.com now has the books ‘In Stock’ as well, and are shipping out the pre-orders, according to the fans at the Animorphs LiveJournal Community. Also, for anyone who has a Waldenbooks/Borders near them, they are carrying the books in-store there as well.

posted by Hirac Delest at 4:37 pm  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ron Oliver interview (Writer/Director of Animorphs TV)


Poparena, of the Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide, recently did an audio interview with Ron Oliver, who worked as a writer and director for several of the Animorphs TV episodes during the show’s run. The interview covers many behind-the-scene insights to the show’s budget, actors, crew, creative decisions, and effects.


Ron Oliver Interview, by Poparena
Download Here (38MB)


The interview is approximately 40 minutes long, so for those who want to skip ahead, the Animorphs TV discussion begins around the 8:50 mark. (Source: Animorphs LiveJournal)

Also, following up from our previous post, Michael Grant has now posted several Q&A video responses at Youtube (Here is the first one). Fans of the GONE series will appreciate it the most. There is also an answer to the Gone TV/Movie situation, which hasn’t really changed from last time, but is there for those who are interested:

That covers everything for now. The relaunch is also almost here, so I hope everyone has their pre-orders ready! Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:34 pm  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Scholastic responds to Whitewashing controversy: Marco CONFIRMED for a new model!


Marco's model.It was inevitable that when the new models were released on the official website, that the fans would compare them to the original models they grew up with from the first run of the series. However, one particular issue took priority over all other nitpicks as fans quickly noticed that the new Marco was paler and lighter from any of the previous models, and who did not match the half-Hispanic “dark complexion” (with dark skin and dark hair) that the character was often described by.

For those unfamiliar, this practice is most commonly known as whitewashing, where characters from minority backgrounds are often misrepresented in the media by being given favour to models or actors with lighter and paler skin. (If you’re looking for a more in-depth discussion about this, take a look at The Book Smugglers. They wrote a great article about some of the more popular cases from last year.)

Once fans realized what had happened, they sent out a petition and contacted both Scholastic and Michael Grant (co-author/co-creator of Animorphs). Marissa from Racebending also published a really well written article on her blog, as a show of support to the fans. The topic and concerns from the fans were well covered in that article, and I would recommend everyone to go read it at racebending.com

However, the issue didn’t linger for very long. Scholastic replied back quickly and confirmed that they were already going ahead to change the Marco cover model. The change will be reflected onto the new cover and official website once the photo shoot and morphing animations have been completed. Here is their full response, thanks to Blue Rampion:

“Thank you again for getting in touch with us about the Marco model for the cover of Animorphs #5: The Predator. We always appreciate hearing from Animorphs fans, and we want you to know that we have heard and share your concerns. We will, in fact, be using a different model for the actual books from the one that currently appears in our catalog and on the Animorphs web site. The first Marco book won’t be published until December 2011, so there is plenty of time to make sure we have a model who truly represents the description of the character in the books. (Please note that the website will be corrected as soon as the new photo shoot has been completed and the morph animation can be redone; in the meantime, the placeholder Marco will remain.)

While getting a new model was something we were already planning to do, we truly appreciate you advocacy on behalf of Marco. The support and passion of the Animorphs fan community has always been a crucial part of the success of the series, and we certainly want to be responsive when concerns arise.” -Scholastic

Along with this, Michael Grant also responded (for both him and K.A. Applegate) to the fans via Twitter, thanks to LisaCharly:

So there you have it. A very big congrats to the fans for sticking up for this (especially to those in the Animorphs LiveJournal Community), as well as big thank you to the great Scholastic team in charge of the Animorphs Relaunch for being so positively receptive to the fanbase’s concerns!

As for the new model, there’s no telling how long this will take, but we’ll be sure to keep you all updated as soon as the change is reflected onto the official site. For those who are interested in reading more about this subject, I’ve assembled a collection of related links for you here:

Discussion: Official Site launch & models
Discussion: Marco model petition launch
Michael Grant and K.A. Applegate respond
Racebending.com article for Animorphs
Discussion: Scholastic responds about Marco’s model
Michael Grant and K.A. Applegate apologize to fans

Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 2:08 pm  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Australian Fans: SMILE! (Pre-Order Details & Sale!)


Thanks to Kaitlyn from our Facebook Page, Australian fans can now pre-order the relaunch editions for Animorphs #1 & 2! Also, if you order by tomorrow (Sunday, March 20th) then you can get free shipping on your order by typing in SMILE (Details on the coupon here). The books themselves are also currently on sale for 40% off, so grab them while you can! Here are the links:


May 2011

Animorphs #1: The Invasion
Pre-Order for Australia

Animorphs #2: The Visitor
Pre-Order for Australia


These have been added to our pre-order page as well. Thanks again to Kaitlyn for the heads up!

As for other international orders, I have no word yet on whether they are available at the same time as everywhere else (I know a few people were asking about Indonesia). I have only checked sites like Amazon so far and turned up nothing, but if anyone knows of any specific online booksellers for international countries which have Animorphs available for pre-order, then please do let me know so that I can pass that along to the fans!

That’s all for now. If you missed out on our previous post, then make sure you’re caught up (or for the entire week, really. Lots of new info!)

Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 8:58 am  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Official Animorphs.com UPDATED! Featuring all of the new cover models and animations!


Thanks to TimmyTuan who just posted on our previous post today: The Official Animorphs.com Website is now updated with an entirely new relaunch look! Check it out:


The Official Animorphs Website update, featuring all of the new cover models!

The new update includes all of the new models for Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, and Tobias, as well as cover morphing animations for all of them! On top of this, the Animorphs #6 cover we posted today is now also available in colour (see right).

That’s all I’ve noticed at this point. I’ll be doing more archive-worthy things later, but I just wanted to update about this before I left for work. Major thanks again to TimmyTuan for letting us know!

posted by Hirac Delest at 3:39 pm  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Animorphs #6 Relaunch Cover REVEALED. Also, Scholastic’s Early Relaunch Shipments CONFIRMED!


Thanks to Ian, we now have two very cool things to share with you today!

First: The sale we mentioned about earlier this week for the relaunch books, is most definitely for current orders, not pre-orders! Scholastic is shipping Animorphs #1 & 2 out early (almost 2 months in advance!), and this is now confirmed. To prove it, here is Ian holding up his copies of both books:


Ian holds up his advance copies of Animorphs #1 & 2 (Relaunch editions!)


We have no idea why Scholastic is suddenly releasing these so early, but I suggest fans take advantage of this while they can! Remember, this is only for The Scholastic Store, not Amazon or anywhere else. The 30% off sale is still in effect (as I am posting this), and there is no closing date posted for it yet. The advanced shipments are also only for U.S. residents at the moment, as the Scholastic Store does not ship out for international orders. (Please correct me on this if I am wrong!)

Second: The inside of Animorphs #1 & 2 features a sneak preview of all 6 relaunch books, which also finally reveals the cover of Animorphs #6! Ian, who is now lucky enough to own both books, was able to provide us a scan:


Animorphs #6: The Capture (Relaunch Edition)Preview of all 6 relaunch releases from inside Animorphs #1.


All of this has already been added to the relaunch pages. The relaunch trailer we posted about recently has also been added to Animorphs #1 & 2, as well in our video page.

One last thing: there is also a new link! In the excitement of revealing the trailer last time, I completely forgot to mention that Scholastic has released a new link related to the relaunch. It is scholastic.com/JoinOurFight. At the moment it just redirects to the official animorphs.com site, but if it goes to anything more than that, then we’ll definitely keep you updated!

That’s all for now. Thanks again to Ian, for providing us with the pictures and scans. Also thanks to Jordan, who also confirmed the early shipments by forwarding me a copy of his shipment notice from Scholastic.

Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:26 am  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Scholastic: The OFFICIAL Animorphs Relaunch Trailer!


I guess I was just in the right place at the right time, because guess what? I was the first viewer as Scholastic uploaded its OFFICIAL trailer for the Animorphs Relaunch! Here it is:



The NEW Rachel model from the Official Relaunch trailer!Also, ta da! Here is a clear shot of the new Rachel model that the new trailer has revealed. We recently caught a glimpse of her in the previous post, but this most definitely proves we have a new (and more accurate) portrayal of Rachel for the books. What do you think?

That’s all for now. As always, be sure to check back for more updates on the Relaunch!

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:23 pm  

Monday, March 14, 2011

Michael Grant: Lenticular Animorphs Covers in Action!


Jumping in for a quick update: Michael Grant (co-author/co-creator of Animorphs) just posted a very cool video of the new Animorphs Lenticular Covers in action, right from his backyard! Check it out:



The video was posted on his Facebook. So if the above video does not work, then you will have to log in! Or you can go directly there (click here).

One really important thing to note: There seems to be a new Rachel model! The video is small and blurry, but she appears to be different from the last time we saw the book morph in K.A’s Scholastic Video. I’ll post a picture once I can get a clear shot.

That’s all for now!

Update: These are the clearest shots I could get:

The NEW Rachel cover model.The NEW Rachel cover model.

posted by Hirac Delest at 5:33 pm  
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