This is unrelated to the archive. I got the sudden inspiration to make this after seeing mock trailers for Halo and Scrubs with the 300 movie audio over them on youtube. It took me over the span of 3 days to make this. I know most people hated the Animorphs show, but give this a shot. If you liked my previous music video, then I’m sure this will not disappoint.
Also, please rate the video, and let me know what you think!
Thanks to Mirienne and Dameg, we now have 30 new Japanese illustration scans that were printed in the Japanese Animorph books! Here are a couple of my favourites:
Aside from that, all of subpages in the Merchandise section also went through some minor cosmetic changes to make everything uniform. I’ll be sure to get to more fan submissions on my next update. 🙂
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying your holidays and are having a great start to 2009. 🙂
No new updates for today, sadly. The last couple of weeks have been pretty insane, but rest assured that I will start working on the archive again as soon as I can!
“EVERYDAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME” (Series Tribute) / By Issam S.
2nd Place
“SET ME FREE” (Tobias Tribute) / By Mimi.
3rd Place
“MISSING” (Jake Tribute) / By Visser2Azula
THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED! The Contest Page has been updated with these results, and you can watch all the winners on there, as well as the videos for all of the participants.
I recently got a hold of an old issue of Cracked Magazine (Issue #339) that had a parody of Animorphs in it, entitled ‘Animorons’. I didn’t really find it funny, but it’s up in the Articles & Interviews section regardless. Here are the scans for the pages:
Also, thanks to Dan, I’ve added two more articles in the Database as well. Both of them are of Michael Grant’s new book series ‘Gone’. So I’ve created a new sub section for all future Non-Animorphs related news to be placed in there. Both of them are posted in the Articles & Interviews section too.
Thanks to TTH, and the great Animorphs LiveJournal Community, we now have 2 more songs from the Animorphs TV show in the Music and Soundtracks page. As usual, they can both be downloaded or streamed here on the site. They are:
Eden White’s “Song Unsung” From Jake & Tom’s phone convo in “The Capture” Part 2
Poe – “Fly Away” From Tobias’s first flight in “Tobias” (heh).
A few more fan submissions have also been updated (sorry for the delay). They include: 2 new Memorable Quotes from Amy; 1 new Music Video from Visser2Azula; and 1 new wallpaper in the Image Gallery by Slayer XY.
Speaking of Slayer XY, I want to give a major thanks out to him right now. He emailed me a little while back and gave me the requested inside covers in High Quality, and not only for the ones that we needed in better quality, but he went through and gave me ALL of the inside covers along with them anyway. Awesome stuff. Thanks Slayer XY for the incredible effort, and to everyone else who I know did a lot out of their way for providing me the inside covers also. I’ll be sure to give every one of you proper credit once the book section is up, which, yes, will be completed sometime this decade (Hey, it’s a LOT to go through with 50+ Animorph books!).
Lastly, I have updated the FAQ and the Help Wanted sections on the Support Page. The FAQ has a new entry for those that are interested in knowing about the Animorphs movie. I get several emails asking me the same question over and over, so instead of repeating myself constantly, I thought it’d be best if I created an answer to it on here.
I still have some more stuff piling up for me to add onto this site (as always), but that’s all I can do for now at the moment. Until next time!
I’ve added two new links on the side bar. The first one is an interesting site I came across that collects and documents well known TV Tropes. Surprisingly, Animorphs was not only mentioned, but had an entire page dedicated to it! It references both the TV show and the books from the series, and is actually a pretty interesting thing to read through. Check out:
To all the contestants participating in the Animorphs 2008 Music Video Contest, this is your 2 week warning to finish up any videos you’re working on. Please have them edited, finished (with an additional 30 second clip), and have them submitted to XtrunkX in order to qualify for the contest.
Remember, the deadline is on October 31! If you have any questions concerning rules, guidelines, or submission, then please direct yourself to the contest details in the Fan Projects section.
Thanks to the fans from the Animorphs Live Journal Community, Galbadia Hotel has posted all of the music from the Animorphs Shattered Reality PSX Game (which in my opinion was really one of the strong points in the game.)
The Soundtrack comes to a total of 27 tracks and has been updated on the Music & Soundtracks page in the Downloads section.
I’ve also changed a few things on that page, and have now provided a entire playlist for the PSX soundtrack, so you can all stream and hear it right away on your browser. There is also a download link available if you’d rather save all the tracks at once.
I ran across an interesting and very funny video of Michael Grant (co-author of Animorphs) promoting his latest book “GONE” on Stupid Blog Name. Be sure to have a look, I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did: