Hirac Delest - An Animorphs Archive Marco Hirac Delest Cassie Jake Rachel Ax Tobias


Status Report

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Animorphs #4: The Message Officially Released!


It all started with the dreams. But Cassie didn’t pay much attention to them. She and her friends have been having nightmares ever since they acquired the power to morph. But when Cassie discovers that Tobias has been having dreams too — the exact same dreams — about the ocean, and a voice that’s calling to them for help, she decides it’s time to start listening. Now she and the others have to figure out if the dreams are a message, or a trap.


Order from Amazon.com (U.S.) **

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Order Kindle Edition (Amazon) **

Order NookBook Edition (Barnes & Noble)


The NookBook Edition still hasn’t been listed on the Barnes & Noble website, but it should be online soon as well. The next book in line is Animorphs #5: The Predator on December 1st, 2011. Pre-order links for Animorphs #6: The Capture are also up (see right).

Until next time!

UPDATE: Links updated. NookBook Edition is now released as well.

posted by Hirac Delest at 9:38 pm  

Sunday, August 28, 2011

David B. Mattingly’s Animations, featuring Marco!


David B. Mattingly, the original artist for the Classic Animorphs series, has posted 2 new videos up on his Youtube channel. Here is the first one, featuring Marco in a few of his original flipbook animations:

The second video is for the Sanctuary screensaver morphs, which can be viewed here. This video, however, is a compilation and does not include the original audio from the individual videos that were released by Scholastic.

To watch them as they were, I have them stored in our video archive (scroll down to ‘Sanctuary Screensavers Morphs’ from the drop down menu and click ‘Go’). I saved these a long time ago, back when the Animorphs Sanctuary Club was still active at Scholastic’s official website.

Mr. Mattingly has also stated in his video summaries that if there is enough of a request from the fans that he will post more animations. So make sure you rate and comment on those videos!

UPDATE: The Marco video was removed and re-uploaded with other character videos by David B. Mattingly (Full Post HERE), so I replaced the above with the Sanctuary Screensaver video instead.

posted by Hirac Delest at 10:11 am  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Animorphs #3 Relaunch Edits, and Classic updates too!


The relaunch edit list for Animorphs #3 is now online! I have also updated the edit list for the first two books as well, with 2 KASUs fixes in Animorphs #1, and an error fix in Animorphs #2.

Along with this, I have also gone ahead and added KASU lists in the Animorphs #1-3 Classic books too! This will hopefully be an interesting comparison between the two types of editions, and the kind of editing that went into the reprints.

Also, a big credit to Anifan12 who gave me the list of KASUs for the Classic books! The list was originally hosted on Geocities, so he handed it off to me for the archive when Yahoo was shutting those pages down. I’ll now be making sure to add these Classic KASU lists along with release of every reprint edit list that I come out with.

That’s all for now!

posted by Hirac Delest at 10:26 am  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Animorphs #2 Relaunch Edits & Updates Posted!


The relaunch edits for Animorphs #2: The Visitor are now posted in our Missions section. I had a bit more fun with this one, and was able to find about 25 edits in total.

Along with this, Animorphs #1 has also been re-organized and updated with 2 new edits, thanks to yunyun. If anyone has any extra edits that I have not already posted for Animorphs #1 and 2, then please contact me.

(The edit list for Animorphs #3 is also currently being compiled, but is on hold until I can get a bit more free time to work on it.)

That’s all for now!

posted by Hirac Delest at 5:53 am  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scholastic Store: Animorphs #4 Early Shipments!


Ian is back to let us know that the relaunch edition of Animorphs #4 is now shipping early via the Scholastic Store, even though their site says that they are only taking pre-orders for September. Here’s some proof:


In addition to this, Ian tells us that the Animorphs #5 cover has also been replaced in the back, with the new Marco model we previously posted about.

Lastly, the Scholastic Store is also holding the Animorphs #4 Relaunch Edition Paperback for an additional 30% off, along with the first three books. The official release date is still September 1st, however, so expect the eBook and Paperback versions to be released at other retailers as planned.

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:02 am  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Animorphs #5: New Model Cover Update!


Scholastic has updated the Official Website and given us a look at the new Animorphs #5 cover with the new model we previously posted about:


Our relaunch page has been updated to include both versions of the covers and models, and the change has been reflected in our pre-order page as well.

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:33 am  

Friday, July 8, 2011

The NEW Marco model!


Scholastic updated the Official Animorphs Website today with the new Marco model they confirmed back in April. Here is a comparison between the two:



As you can see, based on the whitewashing concerns from fans, this new model (on right) now matches the half-Hispanic “dark complexion” (with dark skin and dark hair) that the character was often described by in the books. He does lack the long hair that Marco is known for in the earlier books, but that feature was changed according to the model type in the Classic books as well (e.g. Animorphs #10). The height/muscle is something I’m sure that the fans will debate over regardless, but the major issue about portraying the character’s correct ethnicity has been resolved. A big thanks to the Scholastic Animorphs Team on a job well done!

Aside from that, it seems as though we’ve caught the official site in the middle of their update. The individual character pages remain the same with the old Marco at the moment (thumbnail/full profile picture), but once that’s been updated on their official site, we’ll reflect the change onto our own relaunch pages as well.

That’s all for now!

posted by Hirac Delest at 7:53 am  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Animorphs #3: The Encounter OFFICIALLY Released! Also, Scholastic series discussion panel at ALA 2011!


Animorphs #3 is now officially relaunched today! The book has already been released early at a few select locations, but it should be at all retailers now, including in ebook form. Book summary:


Animorphs #3: The Encounter (Lenticular Edition)

When Tobias and his friends were given the power to morph, they were also given an important warning: Never stay in a morph for more than two hours. But Tobias broke the time limit, and now he’s trapped in the body of a hawk — forever. When he discovers an important Yeerk secret, Tobias knows he has to do everything in his power to destroy it. But to do so, he’ll have to contend with a part of himself that’s wrestling for control. A part that isn’t human.

See: Paperback and eBook Order Links


In addition to this, there’s also some interesting relaunch info by Renata from Why, a Blog!, who attended David Levithan’s panel at the annual American Library Association (ALA) conference this year. Here’s a brief quote:

Anyway, so he starts up his presentation and the first slide is covers of the Babysitters Club and Animorphs relaunch titles, though he said that he didn’t have anything to do with Animorphs (although he did work at Scholastic when Animorphs was being published). He talked about the late 80s and early 90s as the “heyday” of series fiction, when books would come out once a month or twice a month. He cited BSC, Animorphs, and Goosebumps as Scholastic’s “Big Three,” which was interesting to me because I never thought Animorphs were as popular as BSC or Goosebumps? As a kid, I definitely knew more people who read the other two series than Animorphs. But maybe that was just my school. Also, he described all three series as being “episodic” fiction where it didn’t necessarily matter if you read them in order, or read all of them. To some extent that’s true of Animorphs (there are definitely books you could skip, for example) but I don’t think it’s true in the same way it is for BSC or Goosebumps.

Oh, and he talked about revamping the series-es (I think the plural of series is just series but whatev) and making them “time neutral.” The example he gave was if a character was listening to a Walkman, they didn’t change it to “iPod,” since you’d just have to change that again in 10 years. Instead they changed it to “music.” He said it wasn’t that hard to do, which I thought was a little surprising.

I suggest everyone check out the entire post, as it’s an interesting read. She covered the event by posting at both Why, A Blog! and the Animorphs LiveJournal Community.

Lastly, I have also updated the missions archive. Animorphs #1 now has a list of all the relaunch edits that I could find in the re-read (Please let me know of any edits I may have missed), and Animorphs #3 now has the back cover added (via amazon), and a new higher-res front cover.

Oh, and I renewed Hirac Delest‘s hosting/domain for another year (We’re now 4 years old!). Thanks to everyone who has supported us through the years! Until next time!

posted by Hirac Delest at 1:33 pm  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Animorphs Fan Films & Scripts


Taking a little break from the relaunch stuff, I came across this neat trailer a little while back that I think is worth sharing. It uses a few scenes from the TV show, but is otherwise filmed entirely by fans:

There are also a few fans out there that have written their own scripts for the adaptation of the books. The first one is by Dogman15, for Animorphs #1: The Invasion. And the second one is actually a theatrical production for Animorphs #6: The Capture by Drake. He tells me that this has already been staged and is in production for a play-writing college class in Florida. He’s going to try and get this filmed, and pass it along to us if possible! I have added links to both scripts in our fan fiction section.

To close off today’s post, here is another great little clip I found that the Animorphs TV Show fans will appreciate. It’s Nadia Nascimento (Cassie) being discovered at a party:

posted by Hirac Delest at 12:06 pm  

Friday, June 24, 2011

Animorphs #3: Early Shipments!


Several fans have informed me that the Animorphs #3 (Lenticular Edition) has already been released to them via Amazon and Barnes & Noble a full week before the actual launch date! Not only that, but The Scholastic Store apparently already had them in stock 2 weeks ago! (With an additional 30% off, as they did with Animorphs #1 & 2!)

Jason, one of our visitors, even sent us proof from his local store:

Those holding out for ebook editions will still have to wait though. Expect a full paperback/ebook release from all retailers on July 1st, 2011.

posted by Hirac Delest at 11:06 am  
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