There's something pretty weird going on in the woods behind Cassie's house. The place where Ax and Tobias call home. It seems the Yeerks have figured out one very important thing: Andalites cannot survive without a feeding ground. Visser Three knows the "Andalite bandits" don't feed where he does, so there can only be one other place.

Now Cassie, Marco, Jake, Rachel, Tobias, and Ax have to figure out a way to stop a bogus logging camp. Because if Visser Three finds Ax in the woods, nothing will stop him from finding the Animorphs...


Released: July 1997
Pages: 158
Cover Art by Damon C. Torres / The I-Way Company

Front Cover (Hi-Res)Front Cover
Inside Cover (Hi-Res)Inside Cover



Inside Cover German Cover French Cover  
U.S. Inside Cover
German Cover
French Cover  


  • ANIBASE: Here's something interesting about how Katherine Applegate develops characters: When she's first working out a series, one of the tricks she uses to help visualize her characters is to go through maganizes and cut out pictures. It's not that the pictures have to look exactly like the characters, she says, just that they evoke something that helps her get a handle on the characters. So, for Animorphs, she went through copies of YM, Seventeen, and similar mags, looking for types she could use for Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, and Tobias.
  • This book was advertised to come with either a postcard or a tattoo. We have a scan of the postcard posted below but if anyone has the tattoo, then please contact us.


There are no new characters in this book.

Jake Termite (only acquired it), Great Horned Owl, and Skunk.
Rachel White Rat, Termite, and Skunk.
Cassie White Rat, Termite, and Skunk.
Marco Termite, Great Horned Owl, and Skunk.
Tobias None.
Ax Termite, Great Horned Owl, and Skunk.
Visser Three None.

An impolite Yeerk word.



Cassie to Dolphin Animation by David B. Mattingly Postcard
Postcard Back
Cover Artwork
By David B. Mattingly
Post Card (Front)
Post Card (Back)



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A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.

Thanks to Sat for providing the Postcard scans!

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