The blue box Elfangor used to create the Animorphs has been found by a kid named David. David has no idea what he has -- or what it can do. But Marco does. And when he sees David with it, he knows the Animorphs have to get that box. At any cost.

But what should have been a simple plan ends up going horribly wrong. And David is on the run with the Animorphs and Ax. Now they have only two choices: turn David over to the Yeerks. Or make him the sixth Animorph.

** Book One of the David Trilogy


Released: July 1998
Pages: 153
Cover Art by David B. Mattingly

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  • This book is Part 1 of 3 of the David Trilogy (#20-22).
  • ANIBASE: Way back in December of 1997, the Scholastic Website hosted a week long "chat" with K.A. Applegate. Everyday for a week she would come onto the messageboard they had set up and answer questions from her readers. One of those readers, a boy named Justin Mullins, asked if he could have his name written into a book. K.A. agreed, but said that she'd only do it for him, since he asked first. Likewise, a class from Grassy Creek Elementary School asked if they could perhaps get a dedication, and again K.A. agreed. It's in this book that K.A. chose to place both Grassy Creek and Justin: Grassy Creek's dedication is right above the ever present dedication for Michael and Jake, and Justin's namesake is a boy who chases Marco around the school!
  • Publication Note: A price change occured for the regular Animorph books starting with this book (#20) by going up $1. Books from #1-19 were originally $3.99 US ($4.99 CAN), and Books #20-54 were changed to $4.99 US ($5.99 CAN).
  • The Animorphs retrieve Elfangor's Escafil Device in this book, which not only starts the series, but also plays a key part in the ending of the series.
  • One of the most asked questions by fans is that why didn't Tobias just trap himself into his human self and get the morphing power back once they got the Escafil Device in this book. This is a debatable topic, however, they are 2 likely answers:

    1. The most common answer is that the Escafil Device just doesn't work that way. Once a morphing power is given, it can't be given again to the same person, even if they are trapped as a nothlit in another form. The fact that the Ellimist returned Tobias's morphing power in #13 is an anomaly in itself, and a one-time opportunity, which cannot be repeated again unless it's from the Ellimist or a higher being such as him.

    2. Tobias did not wish to go back to being human because he had nothing to go back to. He never had a home his entire life, because he was always passed back and forth between his relatives. And although unconfirmed, it is highly likely that Tobias accidentally being trapped as a hawk wasn't an accident at all, but done on purpose as a means to escape his human life in the first place.

      It backs the reason as to why the Ellimist in #13 gives Tobias what he wants the most: to be able to morph and join the Animorphs in the fight, not to permanently return being human, even though he still gives him the chance to discourage his past self, and another chance by letting him acquire his older self to permanently return as a human if he so wished.



ANIBASE: New to the series is David, a boy with blond hair and brown eyes. He seems kind of weird to Marco. He has an obsession with violence, and doesn't seem to think shooting BBs at birds is anything but normal. He also has an attitude problem and doesn't like to follow orders. Desplte these issues, he is still made an Animorph. But the Animorphs are about to learn just how wrong that decision will turn out to be...

Jake None.
Rachel None.
Cassie None.
Marco Cobra (David's pet Spawn)
Tobias None.
Ax None.
David Golden Eagle, and Cockroach.
Visser Three Dule Fansa.

Dule Fanso
A large, purple creature with a face located where its chest should be. It has big eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth, and four muscular arms ending in sharp, red points that can be launched at the visser's enemies. The points are connected by accordian-like skin that pulls them back and sets them up to be launched again.

A disease fabricated by Marco and Jake to explain why the half-demorphed Marco looked like a little kid with a beak.

Escafil Device
One of the names of the blue morphing cube. Escafil was one of the Andalites who helped create the morphing technology.



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A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.

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