What would you do if you had the opportunity to change your life? Not just where you live or who you hang out with, but your past, present, and future? Sounds like it might be pretty cool, right? Well, that's what Jake thought. He thought it might be easier if the Animorphs had never existed. If they'd never met Elfangor. If they all had the chance to be "normal" kids.
Jake gets his wish.
But things aren't quite as simple as they seem. Just because the Animorphs no longer exist doesn't mean the Yeerks no longer exist. Except now Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco can't morph. They don't even know the Yeerks are out there. And it's not such a wonderful life...
Released: April 2000
Pages: 179
Cover Art by David B. Mattingly
Front Cover (Hi-Res)
Inside Cover (Hi-Res) |
U.S. Inside Cover |
U.S. Inside Cover Flap |
- This is the one book in the series where the story was published after the TV show had already created an episode with the same story. At the time, this book had still yet to be written, so the TV show had no specific things to adapt from. However, it should be noted that both the TV show and the book portrayed the same what-if "What a Wonderful Life" scenario before turning it upside down on our heroes.
Both the episode and the book start out the same, with Jake wishing that he had never crossed the construction site that night, and gets that wish granted. The events that take place in both stories have their similarities, but also major differences as well (Characters dying, full out invasion vs being controlled, etc). It should also be noted that both stories were created by pure coincidence at the time. K.A. did not take the idea from the show, nor the other way around.
- ANIBASE: One revelation in this book is that Cassie is an "anomaly", and, as such, is capable of holding the real timeline in place so that a false timeline will degrade over time. But Katherine didn't come up with this concept until the book was almost finished. She said: "Sometimes I know what I'm doing all the way through a book, and sometimes I don't figure it out till it's almost over. I was about ten pages from the end [of Megamorphs #4] before I thought, oh, that's how we'll do it! Then I had to 'back-write' to get it all to make sense. Yet another lesson in why you shouldn't mess with time travel."
- ANIBASE: This book marks a change in who portrays the characters on the covers. The models for Jake, Rachel, Tobias, and Marco all went off to college and new, younger models were hired to portray them. Only Biko, the Cassie model, went to a school close enough to continue on as a cover model, and, as a result, she is the only Animorphs model to have been on every cover since the beginning!
- The Megamorphs aren't the only books in the series that provide narration from more than one Animorph at a time. In Animorphs #19: The Departure, Jake provided narration for at least one chapter when Cassie couldn't. In #54: The Beginning, the book itself acted as a Megamorph by giving narration from most of the Animorphs one last time before the series ended. Lastly, The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, also provided a narration from both Aldrea and the Yeerk Esplin (Later Visser Three)
ANIBASE: Tobias, lonely and bullied by many (but mostly by a pair of thugs named Andy and Tap-Tap), turns to the Sharing to find an escape from his messed up life. It is there that he meets Bill, his advisor and the guy that convinces him to become a full member. Little does Tobias know that becoming a full member means letting a Yeerk named Odret 177 take over his body. A Yeerk that just so happens to be an ally of Visser One, and therefore a target by Visser Three....
Jake |
None. |
Rachel |
None. |
Cassie |
None. |
Marco |
None. |
Tobias |
None. |
Ax |
Shark, and Human. |
What Cassie is. By being sub-temporarily grounded in a true time line, Drode's fabricated time-line could never exist. Cassie was of one time line, but existing in another as well, and it was this fact that caused the two realities to blend together..
Falla Kadrat Situation
Some unknown situation that the Ellimist was allowed to meddle in as long as Crayak and Drode were allowed to mess with the Animorphs.
Sub-temporarily grounded
The act of being grounded in one specific timeline, holding a true timeline in place despite another being put in its place.
Check the Alien-English Dictionary for more detailed terms and descriptions.
K.A. Q&A Archives
Reading List and Anibase Download
Alien-English Dictionary
A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.
Thanks to Sat and Elizabeth for scanning the inside cover!
Disclaimer: Animorphs is the owned property of Scholastic and Katherine Applegate. This is a non-profit fan web project, and Hirac Delest is in no way claiming this franchise or its characters as its own. All product image and video content belongs to their respective owners and properties, unless or otherwise stated. If you use any of the original text or exclusive/archived content from this site, then please ask our permission first, and give this site full credit and a link back. If the info was received or provided from another site, then please be kind and give a link and credit back to them as well.