We found out who Visser Four is. And he has found the Time Matrix. The machine Elfangor had hidden in the abandoned construction site. The same place we met him on a night none of us will ever forget. Especially me. Now Visser Four has the Matrix, and he plans to use it to become Visser One.

But Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, Ax and I can't let that happen. We can't let him alter time so that the Yeerks will win the invasion. So we're prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. And, ultimately one of us will lose this fight...


Released: April 1999
Pages: 208
Cover Art by David B. Mattingly

Front Cover (Hi-Res)Front Cover
Inside Cover (Hi-Res)Inside Cover



Inside Cover    
U.S. Inside Cover
French Cover    


  • ANIBASE: "This is the book that made me swear off time travel (Until the next time.)," K.A. Applegate says. "I was so confused at one point that I didn't know what was going on. But I got to play with some moral dilemmas and I like challenging the readers that way."

    But we can totally understand why she tried to take on the time travel story this go around -- both Katherine and her husband Michael are pretty big on history (as you can see in books like #47: The Resistance). In face one of the very first books they wrote was a biography called The Story of Two American General: Bengamin O. Davis Jr. and Colin L. Powell!
  • This is the first appearance of Visser Four, who we only last heard about in #18: The Decision, but never actually see at the time.
  • The Megamorphs aren't the only books in the series that provide narration from more than one Animorph at a time. In Animorphs #19: The Departure, Jake provided narration for at least one chapter when Cassie couldn't. In #54: The Beginning, the book itself acted as a Megamorph by giving narration from most of the Animorphs one last time before the series ended. Lastly, The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, also provided a narration from both Aldrea and the Yeerk Esplin (Later Visser Three)


ANIBASE: Visser Four has finally come into the picture. After being disgraced during the Leeran conflict, he's come to Earth and taken as his host John Berryman, an out of work actor. It's a desperate Visser Four that finds the long lost Time Matrix and uses it to try and win Earth for his people.

We also meet countless historical figures during the course of the book including George Washington, a powerless Adolf Hitler, and whole slew of hippies. Also met, though she no longer exists is September Twelve, Cassie's slave girl in the horribly altered reality presented at the beginning of the book.


Jake War Horse.
Rachel None.
Cassie None.
Marco None.
Tobias None.
Ax None.



Patriot of Empire
A title given to those who have proven their loyalty to the U.S. Empire in this book's opening altered reality.

What people in the third-world countries are called in the altered reality we visit in the beginning of the book

Triple S
A police/military group sanctioned by the U.S. Empire and heavily infiltrated by the Yeerks. Need we mention that this is also part of the altered reality scenario?

Check the Alien-English Dictionary for more detailed terms and descriptions.



Cover Artwork Avatar



K.A. Q&A Archives
Reading List and Anibase Download
Alien-English Dictionary



A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.

Thanks to Sat for scanning the inside cover!

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