He is called the Ellimist. A being with the ability to alter space and time. A being with a power that will never be fully understood. He is the reason Elfangor came to Earth. He is the reason the Earth now has a fighting chance. And though his actions never seem quite right or wrong, you can be certain they are never, ever what anyone expects.
This is the beginning and the middle of the story. A story that needs to be told in order to understand what might happen to the future. The future of the Animorphs. The future of humanity. The future of Earth.
He is called the Ellimist. And this is his story...
Released: October 2000
Pages: 200
Cover Art by Romas Kukalis
Front Cover (Hi-Res)
Inside Cover (Hi-Res) |
U.S. Inside Cover |
- ANIBASE: This book reveals the events that lead to the creation of the Animorphs the kids, but how did Animorphs the series come to be? Here's Katherine Applegate's answer:
"Michael (her husband/co-writer) and I were living in an apartment complex in Sarasota, FL. It was so hot all the time that we could only exercise at night, taking walks around the apartment complex. We'd written some YA romances by then but they weren't selling. Michael and I were arguing about what to do next. I was halfway convinced we should abandon series writing altogether. Michael was half convinced we should give up on kid's books, but felt that if we stayed in, we should try one more series. We both agreed that we'd had it with YA, so we decided on a middle reader series. I wanted to write about animals -- to put kids into the heads of animals somehow. And right there, as we lapped past the dumpster, we got part one of the equation: kids turning into animals. Then we realized we needed some jeopardy. Michael pointed out that if we were basically creatiing comic book characters with superpowers, we needed villains worthy of them. That added the alien invasion element. So, Animorphs was born on a hot summer night beside a dumpster in Florida."
- Chronologically, this book ends within the first few moments of the last book Animorphs #54: The Beginning, however, the Ellimist Chronicles was released with Animorphs #47: The Resistance, approximately 7 months before its release. The moment at the end confirmed the death of a major character, which was wildly speculated and anxiously discussed by fans, and still is today one of the most discussed topic in the series.
- Every numerical book in the series has a step-by-step animation on the bottom right hand corner of every page, usually mimicking the front cover by starting with the natural form (Human, Hawk, or Andalite) and then morphing into the animal on the cover (The Megamorphs don't have anything at all). The Chronicles, on the other hand, don't have this as there aren't any morphing steps created on the cover, so they usually relate with the story in some way.
In the Ellimist Chronicles, the Ellimist simply vanishes into a puff of clouds from the cover.
ANIBASE: In the beginning of the Ellimist's story we meet his fellow Ket virtual reality gamers on the UniNet: Redfar, whose game name was Inidar; Escobat, whose game name was Wormer; and an attractive female Ketran named Doffnall, whose name game was Aguella. On the spar above Ellimist on his home crystal was a snooty Ketran scientist named Lackofa. It was Lackofa who nominated Ellimist to join the non-essential crew of EmCee. Other members of the EmCee included an impatient technician who named herself Jicklet, a female essential crew member named Tatchilla, and a Wise One named Farsight.
We also meet an arrogant young gamer named Menno and his friend Oxogast. Eventually, Ellimist and Menno become leader and first officer of EmCee.
As Ellimist travels the universe, we meet several characters of note: Father, a vast, sponge-like creature who captures aliens and absorbs their mind; a slug named Life-giver of the Jain Sea, leader of the Jallians; and a multi-winged creature named Captain Whee, leader of the Inner Worlders.
When the Ellimist retreats into the body of an Andalite he takes a wife named Tree and has five children: Star, Flower, Grass, Sky, and Water.
First Life |
Ellimist began as a young Ketran gamer who excitedly found himself assigned to go along for a deep space mission on EmCee. His excitement was soon lost to horror, however, when Ellimist saw his entire race of people murdered by the Capasins. |
Second Life |
Ellimist, years after his world died, became captain of the EmCee. It was as captain that he accidentally led the last of the Ketrans to their death at the hands of Father. Only Ellimist survived -- and Father kept him alive for hundreds of years while the two of them played "games" in a world existing only in their minds. |
Third Life |
Ellimist's final life began when he absorbed all of their minds that Father had captured over the years. Ellimist defeated Father and built a massive ship. He spread his new mind throughout this powerful ship and took to the stars to help other species of aliens. There he met Crayak, a malevolent creature determined to play a game of evil against good with Ellimist. It was these battles that led to an accident that created the Ellimist the Animorphs came to know. An accident that took Ellimist and his massive collective minds from the third dimension to the fourt dimension, the dimension of time.... |
A race of aliens that react to provocation with acts of extreme violence. They look similar to squids, with giant, bulbous heads dominated by glittering blue eyes, a beak-like mouth, and a number of thin, multi-joined arms. The Capasins came across images of the Ketran games and thought the images were real -- that the Ketrans played with other species as if they were toys. It was these images that led the Capasins to fly to Ket and destroy all the Ketrans.
A species of surface dwelling aliens that the Ketran have come in contact with.
Illaman Confederation
A species of alien that the Ketran have come in contact with.
Inner Worlders
A race of winged, multiple-eyed aliens that participated in a long-standing war with the Jallians.
A race of slug-like, multi-armed aliens whose life goal is to rage war on the Inner Worlders.
The Ketrans are a race of winged creatures that live on giant crystal structures floating above the surface of their home world, Ket. They have four wings, four eyes, two arms, two "pods" in place of feet, and docking talons to grab onto the crystal extensions of their homes. The constant flapping of thousands of attached Ketrans allow the crystals to fly. Ellimist was a Ketran, but after a group of radical Ketrans beamed images of their UniNet games into space, the Capasins came and killed them all.
Multi-colored creatures covered in long hair, with three eyes, spikes along their back, and arms that vary in number between different members of the species. They enjoy music and relaxation.
An Unemite musical instrument that looks much like a large guitar with seven strings and a mouthpiece on top..
The Crate
What the Ketrans called the Capasin ship that they had captured.
The Ketran word for "mother".
Dance By
An event that occurs whenever two crystals on Ket float near each other. Ketrans from each crystal fly out and meet Ketrans from the other crystal..
Eenos Lava Swamp
A swamp of lava on the surface of Ket. Equatorial High Crystal was flying above it when it was attacked by the Capasins.
Mapping Crystal Quadrant Three, a Ketran space exploration ship.
Equatorial High Crystal Two
Equatorial High Crystal's sister crystal.
The Explorer
A ship created by Jicklet that could be used to study the surface of planets and moons.
Five Laws
The five rules for living that the Ketrans followed.
Ketran sland for the act of flying free, fast, and furious.
Gunja Wave
A species of rodent-like creatures in the UniNet game Ellimist and his friends often participated in.
What the radical gamers on Polar Orbit High Crystal call themselves, for they intrude in the game and make massive changes rather than simple, subtle changes.
The name of the Ketran home world.
To send a message to another Ketran via the UniNet
Pheromones, what Ketrans give off to express fear or attract a mate.
North Tropic Law Crystal
A crystal where things went horribly awry and crashed into the surface, killing thousands of Ketrans
A species of water skimmers in the UniNet game Ellimist plays.
Polar Orbit High Crystal
A crystal inhabited by radical thinkers who want to communicate through radio waes and who want to make their crystal into airfoil, eliminating the need for Ketran lift.
The Searcher
What EmCee started to be called after thirty years and many changes.
Seed Crystal
The oldest of the Ketran crystals.
The Ketran word for "father".
An Internet-like communication system on the Ketran crystals.
Wise Ones
Old and intelligent Ketran leaders.
K.A. Q&A Archives
Reading List and Anibase Download
Alien-English Dictionary
A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.
Thanks to NeoX, Raevyn, & Foamy for scanning the inside cover!