We could blame everything that happened on Marco. He was the one who heard about the downed submarine. He was the one who thought we should check it out. And everyone knows that if Marco's up to a challenge, I'm definitely there.
Everything was going fine. Until the explosion. An explosion that blows us millions of years back in time. Back to the age of dinosaurs. Now Tobias, Cassie, Marco, Ax, Jake and I are fighting for our lives with every step we take. But that's not our biggest problem. Our biggest problem is we have no idea how to get back to our own time ...
Released: May 1998
Pages: 229
Cover Art by David B. Mattingly
Front Cover (Hi-Res) |
U.S. Jake Front Cover |
U.S. Jake Inside Cover |
U.S. Rachel Front Cover |
U.S. Rachel Inside Cover |
U.S. Marco Front Cover |
U.S. Marco Inside Cover |
U.S. Cassie Front Cover |
U.S. Cassie Inside Cover |
U.S. Tobias Front Cover |
U.S. Tobias Inside Cover |
U.S. Ax Front Cover |
U.S. Ax Inside Cover |
U.S. Inside Cover All |
German Cover |
French Cover |
U.K Cover |
- Megamorphs #2 was originally a big summer event for Animorphs. There was a lot of advertising put into it months before its release, with posters and special book stands for book sales that were given out. It also stands as the only Megamorph to have seven versions of its cover, each with a different color front, which reflected to a different Animorph in the inside cover: Jake, Rachel, Marco, Cassie, Tobias, and Ax. The 7th inside cover consisted of all of their covers combined in a gride format
(If anyone has a scan of the 7th inside cover, then please send it along!)
- Ax and Tobias are the only two that don't have a secondary morph in the inside covers because their natural bodies are actually their battle 'morphs'.
- ANIBASE: "I loved this one," K.A. Applegate says. "No one else seemed excited by it as I was. But come on, Animorphs versus Dinosaurs? That's not great?
Unfortunately, in her excitement to write this book, K.A. made some pretty major KASUs! One was Tobias' broken wing, which should have been healed by morphing. K.A. admits that she just forgot about the healing rule, so she had to write in some vague explanation about time travel messing with the morphing.
The second led to a note from Tobias at the very end of the book -- a Spinosarus was written in as a major dino adversary, but once the book was done, K.A. discovered that paleontologists think that Spinosaurus became extinct in the middle Cretaceous, before the time the Animorphs arrived. The note was written in to cover up her error, since it was too late to rewrite the scene. Now you know!
- The Megamorphs aren't the only books in the series that provide narration from more than one Animorph at a time. In Animorphs #19: The Departure, Jake provided narration for at least one chapter when Cassie couldn't. In #54: The Beginning, the book itself acted as a Megamorph by giving narration from most of the Animorphs one last time before the series ended. Lastly, The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, also provided a narration from both Aldrea and the Yeerk Esplin (Later Visser Three)
- Continuity Note: All Megamorphs after #1 are placed somewhere in the Animorphs timeline, being treated more as stand alone stories instead of directly affecting the outcome of the regular books.
The Megamorphs do, however, continue and tie up open storylines from previous books, and build up the characters and the Animorphs Universe in general. Ex. Megamorphs #3 carries on from The Andalite Chronicles about the Time Matrix, while Megamorphs #4 simply builds upon the bigger game that Ellimist and Crayak play and delivers some insight to the Ellimist's plans as the Animorphs fight the war.
Jake |
Tyrannosaurus Rex. |
Rachel |
Deinonychus. |
Cassie |
Tyrannosaurus Rex. |
Marco |
Tyrannosaurus Rex. |
Tobias |
Deinonychus. |
Ax |
Tyrannosaurus Rex. |
Nothing is known about the Korla, just that they are a species of aliens that the Andalites are aware of.
The Mercora were peaceful herbivores who lived in big domes and cultivated crops from their home world, like broccoli. They looked like giant, mulit-colored crabs with tons of different eyes all across that "shell". They spoke in thought-speak, and it was these aliens that took in the Animorphs and helped them during their stay in the Cretaceous period.
Vile creatures, the Nesk are basically a sentient group of ants that can join together to form any size creature they'd like. They use these forms to operate the countless alien machinery they've acquired over the years. The Next believe that all of Earth belongs to them, and they cannot stand other sentient creatures living on it -- namely, the Mercora. No one's quite sure what ever happened to the Nesk, but it could very well be that their descendants are the same insects that plague picnics worldwide.
Check the Alien-English Dictionary for more detailed terms and descriptions.
Cover Artwork Avatar |
K.A. Q&A Archives
Reading List and Anibase Download
Alien-English Dictionary
A big credit to Jeff Sampson for helping build and write the Anibase, which provided much of the inside information towards the series.
Thanks to Matt for providing the 7th Megamorphs inside cover!
Disclaimer: Animorphs is the owned property of Scholastic and Katherine Applegate. This is a non-profit fan web project, and Hirac Delest is in no way claiming this franchise or its characters as its own. All product image and video content belongs to their respective owners and properties, unless or otherwise stated. If you use any of the original text or exclusive/archived content from this site, then please ask our permission first, and give this site full credit and a link back. If the info was received or provided from another site, then please be kind and give a link and credit back to them as well.